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Seonghwa had offered Hongjoong to take him home and after insisting so much, Hongjoong just let him. Of course, he gave him Yeosang's address since he can't tell him where he actually lives.

"Well, we're here." Seonghwa stops the car and turns to Hongjoong.

"The old lady we saw earlier..." Hongjoong starts. "What you do for her is really nice of you."

"Oh, it's nothing." Seonghwa gives him a small smile. "She has no one in this world... Well, she does, but it's as if they don't exist. They show no care for her."

"Well, that's really nice of you." Hongjoong gives him a small smile back.

Seonghwa remembers the small bag he was holding earlier and quickly reaches for it, then gives it to Hongjoong.

"What's this?" Hongjoong looks down at it and opens it.

"I saw you looking at it earlier. I think it'd look beautiful on you."

Hongjoong takes the small box out of the bag and opens it to see the necklace he was looking at earlier.

"Wh-what? No, you didn't have to." Hongjoong quickly feels guilty, remembering the price that was on it.

"Why not? It's a gift from me to you. Make sure to wear it on our next date."

"Next date?"

"Yes, Yeosang. I had fun today." Seonghwa tells him. "I'd like to go on another date with you. Can we?"

Hongjoong looks at him for a while. Yeosang had told him he just had to go on one date and get rejected, but it seems like that plan failed. What should he do?

'I'll just go on another date with him and for sure get rejected this time.' Hongjoong thinks to himself and nods. He feels guilty that Seonghwa bought him such an expensive gift, so he feels like this is the least he could do.

"Okay... what day works for you?" Hongjoong asks him and Seonghwa smiles widely.

"The sooner the better. How about tomorrow?"

"Oh, I don't think I can tomorrow."

"Then how about the day after?"

"Okay, that works." Hongjoong nods.

"Alright. I already have your number so I'll text you, okay?"

'He must have Yeosang's number already.' Hongjoong thinks to himself. "Oh okay." He nods and gets out of the car.

Seonghwa quickly gets out of the car as well and takes the small bag from him. "Let me put the necklace on you." He takes the necklace out of the box and moves closer to him to put the necklace around his neck.

Hongjoong's eyes widen and he feels his face heat up when he sees how close Seonghwa is to him.

"I'll text you, okay?" Seonghwa tells him and Hongjoong just nods.

Seonghwa gets in his car and drives away after a while. "Now I have to walk home." Hongjoong mumbles as he starts making his way home.

As he's walking, his phone starts ringing and he sees Yeosang's calling him.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Are you home yet?" Yeosang asks him.

"No, I'm still not home, but I'm on my way there. I was just at your house since he offered to take me home and I gave him your address."

"Wait... he offered to take you home? You didn't get rejected?"

"Nothing worked." Hongjoong sighs. "I tried everything you told me to do and he just didn't care. He actually ended up buying me a really expensive necklace that I never asked him to buy me."

"Wait... Does this mean... Kim Hongjoong!"

"What?" Hongjoong asks, startled.

"You're going on another date with him?!"

"What do you mean?"

"He just sent me a text!"


Yeosang scrolls through the text the CEO's son sent him. He's not sure what to reply since he's not the one he went on a date with. He doesn't even know his name.

CEO's son:
See you in two days Yeosang!
I had fun today. I hope you
have a good night. I'm happy
you accepted to go on another
date with me.


"Why didn't he reject Hongjoong?" Yeosang thinks for a while. "If he did what I told him to do, wouldn't he be seen as really unlikeable? This wasn't supposed to happen." He sighs.

Hongjoong had to get rejected before anything gets too serious, but instead he's going on another date with this guy?

I'm just going on another
date with him since I feel
bad that he bought me such
an expensive necklace. I'll
get rejected next time, okay?

That's okay. Don't worry about it.
Just make sure to get dumped next
time. If things get more serious
we'll be in big trouble

Okay, don't worry

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