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Yeosang looks at his reflection in the mirror for the tenth time. He then takes a deep breath before walking out of his room.

Just as he's about to go downstairs to the living room, he hears his father talking to someone, so he quickly hides behind the staircase.

He sees Seonghwa's father is already here, but he doesn't see Seonghwa anywhere.

"Is there a way we can stop them from getting engaged?" Yeosang's father asks him. "It doesn't really look like Yeosang has any feelings for your son."

"Mr.Kang... Who cares about the feelings?" He asks him. "Feelings don't help you. You know what does? Money, power, success. That's what helps you out in life. Who cares about the feelings?"

"Still... having no feelings for the person you marry can make someone unhappy. Shouldn't we put their feelings into consideration?"

"Yeah... and I did." Seonghwa's father tells him. "Seonghwa told me he's really interested in your son. He really likes him and would like to marry him as soon as possible."

"What?" Yeosang whispers to himself.

"He's actually the one that keeps insisting on this engagement. You think I'd do this if my son didn't love him? Who do you think I am? A monster?"

"No, it's not that." Mr.Kang shakes his head.

"Why would he..." Yeosang whispers to himself.

"So I think it's best if we get them engaged as soon as possible, don't you think? Or are you backing out?" He raises an eyebrow. "Have you forgot your company could go bankrupt without my help?"

"No, of course not." He shakes his head. "I'll convince Yeosang to marry your son."

"What a piece of shit." Yeosang mumbles as he sees his father being threatened.

The front door opens and Seonghwa comes in, which makes them stop talking. "Oh, he's here." Seonghwa's father says. "Now where's Yeosang?"

"Yeosang! The guests are here!" His father yells so he can hear him.

Yeosang slowly stands up and opens the door to his room, then closes it, pretending he just got out of his room, then goes downstairs.

"Hello, Yeosang. I've heard so much about you." Mr. Park tells him and Yeosang tries hiding the disgusted look on his face.

"Hello." He fakes a smile. "Seonghwa has talked to me a lot about you too."

Seonghwa gives him a confused look. Last night, Yeosang had told him he'd give the worst first impression and stop the engagement no matter what, but now it seems like he's being nice.

"Have you two gotten close recently?" They all sit down to continue the conversation.

"Yeah... we've been seeing each other a few times this week." Yeosang nods.

"I heard from your father that you're not interested in Seonghwa. Did he do something?"

"No, not at all." Yeosang shakes his head and smiles. "I am interested in him. It's just that an engagement seemed so rushed considering that we just met a few days ago."

"Yeosang, are you sure?" His father asks him.

"Yeah, I'm sure." He nods. He knows that if he tries stopping this engagement, his father will be the one to suffer the consequences. He knows what Seonghwa's father is capable of.

"What about you, Seonghwa? Do you like Yeosang?" Mr. Kang asks him and his father glares at him.

"I do." He nods and smiles.


"Why didn't you reject me?!" Yeosang screams in frustration once they're alone.

"Well, why didn't you reject me?"

"Your father is threatening my father. I'm not going to stop this engagement and risk my father getting hurt! I know what your father is capable of!"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." He shakes his head. "Forget I said anything." He walks away from Seonghwa and locks himself in his room.

"It's not like I'm not scared of my father too." He sighs.

Just as he's about to leave, he gets a text.

Hwa! Come to the coffee shop right now!
I need your help with something

Didn't you work today?

Yeah, but I just finished
my shift

Can't you just tell me what
I can help you with?

I'll just wait until you get here then.
I'll wait all day. I'll wait until there's
no one left in the coffee shop and
they'll have to drag me out when it's
closing time

Okay fine
You're so dramatic
I'll be right there

San smiles when he sees the text. "I'm going to the restroom real quick." He tells Hongjoong as they're at the coffee shop. "I'll be right back, okay?"

"Okay." He nods and San pretends he's going to the restroom, but leaves the coffee shop and hides behind the shop, waiting for Seonghwa to get here.

Once he sees Seonghwa walk in and look around, he smiles sadly. "Yeah... everything will be alright as long as you two are happy."

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