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Hongjoong ended up knocking on Yeosang's door. It's better if he can talk to him now instead of later.

"Hey, Joong. What are you doing here?" Yeosang asks him as it looks like he's been crying.

"Yeo, are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He shakes his head and fully opens the door so Hongjoong can come in. He walks in and they go to Yeosang's room since his dad was in the living room.

"Now will you tell me what's wrong?" Hongjoong asks him. "And don't say 'nothing'. It looks like you cried."

"Yeah... you're my best friend, so it's not like I can lie to you anyway." He sighs. "But when I opened the door, it looked like you were really happy. You tell me first. You came to talk to me about something, right?"

"Well..." Hongjoong starts, not knowing how to tell him. Yeosang seems really sad so he feels kind of selfish for talking to him about his crush while he's feeling this way. "To be honest... I wanted to ask you if I could da-" Hongjoong's interrupted when Yeosang starts crying. "Yeo..." he gets closer to him and pulls him in for a hug. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I-I found something out today."


"I found out that my ex-boyfriend is back in Korea." He tells him. "I really didn't expect to find that out this way."

"What do you mean? Where did you see him?" Hongjoong asks, curiously. "By what you had told me before, it seems like you two broke up for a stupid reason. Why don't you try talking to him?"

"Joong... Do you like Seonghwa?"

"Seonghwa?" Hongjoong asks, confused. "What does he have to do with this?"

"Just be honest with me, please."

"Yeo, why are you asking me this while you're crying about your ex? Who I like or don't like shouldn't matter right now." He rubs his back.

"He's my ex-boyfriend." He tells him and Hongjoong feels his heart break into pieces.

"H-he's your what?"

"I met some friends from high school earlier today. They told me they had seen the news of my engagement... So I searched it up and saw that they're saying I'm engaged to Park Seonghwa." He tries to stop the tears from falling. "When I told you to go on that date, I had no idea it was with him. My father never told me his name and I never got curious enough to ask him."

"Wait... but I was pretending to be you all this time. How did he not remember your name?"

"He knew me by my english name... Logan. He knows me as Logan, not Yeosang."

Hongjoong tries to hide his shocked reaction. The reason he had come to Yeosang's house was to ask him if it was okay for him to date Seonghwa.

He never expected this is what he'd find out instead.

"I only asked you to go on one date with him and get rejected, but you went out with him more than once. Does that mean you like him?" Yeosang feels his eyes watering.

Hongjoong doesn't know what to answer. If he tells the truth, he'd hurt Yeosang. "No, I don't." He fakes a smile. "I went on more than one date with him because of that expensive necklace I told you he bought me. I felt bad about that, but I returned it to him and we'll probably never see each other again."

"Oh..." Yeosang looks down as he feels tears rolling down. "But by what you've told me... he does like you, doesn't he?"

"Oh, don't say that." Hongjoong shakes his head. "He's probably just pretending to like me since his father insists on him marrying you. He thinks I'm you so of course he had to act like he's in love."

"I don't know what to do... How do I tell him I'm the real Yeosang?" He sighs. "I'm scared of how he'll react. We haven't seen each other in years."

"I'll help you out, okay? I'll tell him the truth tomorrow."

"This is all my fault though, so I should be the one to meet up with him. If I would've gone on that date instead of making you go, this wouldn't be happening."

"No, don't say that, Yeo." Hongjoong shakes his head. "You didn't make me go. I went because I wanted to and you gave me something in return. It's not like you forced me."

"Yeah, I know... But I still feel guilty. I thought that it'd be easy. Just get rejected and never see him again... That's what I thought."

"Give me your phone."

"For what?" Yeosang asks but gives him his phone anyway.


Seonghwa can't help but smile as he looks up at the ceiling. Memories from earlier that day keep repeating in his mind.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" San asks him as soon as he gets to his house.

Since San and Seonghwa are best friends, they have keys to each other's houses and just come and go whenever they want.

"You scared me!" Seonghwa says, startled, but then sits up on his bed. "I confessed to Yeosang."

"Wow, really? What did he say?" San smiles. "By your reaction... did he say yes?"

"Not exactly." He shakes his head. "But he did say he'd give me an answer tomorrow. Plus, he kissed my cheek, so it gives me hope that he could say yes."

"Well, no wonder you're smiling like an idiot."

"And you're not?" Seonghwa raises an eyebrow, noticing San keeps getting lost in his thoughts and smiling.

"Well... you know how I had to start working part time since my fathers business isn't doing too well?"

"Yeah...? What happened?"

"I got a part time job at a convenience store and one of my co-workers is really cute."

"Ooo, does Sannie have a crush?" Seonghwa smiles. "I might just stop by tomorrow... if I have time."

"By the looks of it, these are your last few hours of being single after years."

"I hope so." He sighs. "Because I really like him."

As they're talking, Seonghwa gets a text and he immediately checks his phone.

"It's him!"

"Well answer!" San yells at him.

Hey, can we meet tomorrow at
the coffee shop from today?
I'll be there at 12

Yeah sure :) I'll be there
Sweet dreams <3

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