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"I'm so glad you two are okay." Seonghwa says, relieved. "But are you sure you're feeling okay?" He asks Hongjoong and Yeosang as they're at the hospital.

It turns out Yeosang had stuck a mini camera under the table of the office. That's why he smiled at San. He had a plan all along.

And before that, he was already outside the office, which means everything Mr. Park said got recorded.

Right before going to the house, Yeosang had called the police telling them someone had broken in and was trying to harm Mr. Park. He knew they wouldn't come if he told them Mr. Park was the bad guy, so he had to lie to get them here.

Thankfully, the police arrived sooner than he thought they would and saw what was happening. And the gunshot that was heard was from them. They had shot up at the house's roof since one of the bodyguards was about to hurt Hongjoong.

"You're the best, Yeo. You saved me." Hongjoong tells him. "Thank you."

"I feel so bad that I couldn't protect you this time." San looks down and frowns.

"It's okay. Nothing happened, I'm fine." Yeosang reassures him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Seonghwa frowns as he looks down at Hongjoong. "It looks like it hurts." He softly touches beside Hongjoong's lips, where there's a bruise.

"Don't worry, I'm okay." Hongjoong nods. "But how are you two?" He looks at him and San. "You're brothers."

"I'm just so shocked." San says. "I like the idea of being Seonghwa's brother, but I don't like that my father is... you know." He sighs. "Which means... my father killed-" he looks at Yeosang but is stopped from saying anything else.

"He's not your father." Yeosang takes his hands. "Your father is Mr. Choi, who's been there for you since you were born."

"You're right." He nods. "I really want to see him and thank him for everything."

Just as Yeosang's about to say something, his eyes widen when he sees who's rushing towards him. "Mingi!"

"Yeo..." Mingi immediately hugs him as they both start tearing up. "We'll get through this together, okay?" He rubs his back as Yeosang nods and cries.


"Everything feels like a dream." Hongjoong tells Seonghwa as he looks up at the sky. "It doesn't seem real that we'll finally be able to be together without anyone trying to hurt us."

"I know." Seonghwa reaches for his hand and gives him a small smile. "He'll most likely be in jail for the rest of his life. He committed way too many crimes."

"That's good to hear. He ruined way too many lives, especially Yeosang's and San's."

"But let's stop talking about this." Seonghwa tries changing the subject. "We've gone through so much. Let's not think about it anymore."

"Okay." Hongjoong agrees.

"I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"Close your eyes." Seonghwa covers Hongjoong's eyes with his hands. "I know it hasn't been too long, but I know you missed them already."

Hongjoong gasps when he realizes what he means. He takes Seonghwa's hands off of his eyes and sees his mom and brother standing right in front of him.

"Mom! Hongseok!" He cries as he hugs them. He knows it hadn't been that long since he had seen them, but he was so worried something bad would happen to them. He's so glad he's seeing them safe and sound.

"Kim Hongjoong! Why didn't you tell me this was more serious than I thought?!" His mother scolds him. "I saw it on the news! He got locked up for so many things."

"I didn't want to worry you, mom."

"Don't hide things like that from me ever again!"

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"I'm just glad he'll be locked up for the rest of his life."

"I'm glad you're okay." Hongjoong tells Hongseok.

"Hey, are we late?" Hongjoong sees San and Yeosang walking over to them as they're holding hands.

"No, you two are just in time." He smiles. "Let's go inside and eat!"

"Yay I'm hungry! What did you cook?"

"Anything that Hongjoong cooks is delicious." Seonghwa tells him.

"Really? Same with Yeosang." San tells him. "You two should have a cooking competition."

"Oh, stop saying nonsense." Yeosang playfully hits his arm.

"What? I'm right. What you cook is always delicious. You're so good at everything." He leans in and leaves a small kiss on his lips.

"Oh, you two are too cute." Seonghwa cringes.

"It's not like you're not like that with Hongjoong all the time." San playfully rolls his eyes.

"I'm so glad we can all be together today." Hongjoong tells them.

"Me too." Seonghwa agrees. "All of the people in this room are so special to me... but especially you." He tells Hongjoong and leans in to peck his lips.

San and Yeosang cringe, but then laugh, realizing they're just like them.

"So now that we can finally be together without anyone trying to hurt us, please don't push me away ever again. Don't reject me ever again." Seonghwa tells him. "I love you just the way you are." He holds Hongjoong's necklace, which now holds so many bad but also great memories.

The end.


THE END!!!! Thank you so much for reading this story and being patient since I took so long to update, I'm sorry! I'm not too satisfied with the ending but at least it didn't have a sad ending, right? I hope you like it since I started running out of ideas halfway through the story.

This story was a little inspired by the Kdrama 'Youth Of May' but I didn't want the ending to be just like that one </3 it almost happened but I stopped myself lol.

But thanks so much for reading and please check out my other works <3

But thanks so much for reading and please check out my other works <3

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