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"There's nothing for me to think about. I'm not going to force Seonghwa or San to be with me. Stop treating them like they're objects." Yeosang tells him as he feels his hands turn to fists. "And don't talk badly about Hongjoong. It's not like he purposely made the both of them like him."

"I gave you a chance, Yeosang. Whatever happens to you, your family, or Hongjoong, will be your fault. I was nice enough to let you decide." He smirks. "And don't be surprised if something happens to San too."

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Watch me." He smirks and walks out of the apartment with his guards following behind him.


"Hey, Joongie." Seonghwa gets to the convenience store and Hongjoong immediately smiles when he sees him.

"Hey!" He gives him a hug. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

"Yeah... I just wanted to surprise you." Seonghwa smiles at him. "By the way, where's San?" He looks around.

"Oh, he went to the restroom. He should be back soon."

"Oh, okay." Seonghwa just nods. "Also, let me know when you get out of work, okay? I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay." Hongjoong nods, a little worried about what he'd say.

Once San comes back, he sees Seonghwa and quickly rushes over to him and Hongjoong. "Hey Hwa , what are you doing here?"

"Hey, are you almost done with your shift? I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh..." San looks down at the time. "I still have around an hour left. Can't it wait?"

"That's okay. I'll cover for you." Hongjoong tells him.

"Okay, thanks."

"I'll see you later, okay?" Seonghwa kisses Hongjoong's forehead before walking out of the store with San.

"What did you want to talk about?" San asks him once they get in Seonghwa's car.

"San..." Seonghwa starts. "Do you like Hongjoong?"

San's smile fades and he doesn't know how to answer that. What should he say? The truth? That he really does like his best friends boyfriend? Then again, does he really still like him?

"H-how did you find out?" San asks him.

"Earlier today, I installed a camera at my apartment. I had a feeling something bad would happen, so I hid a camera somewhere... And I was right. My dad ended up showing up to threaten Yeosang."

"Huh? Did he do something to him? How's Yeosang?" His eyes widen.

"Don't worry... he's okay. Anyway... I think my dad found out you two were 'dating' and told Yeosang that you didn't actually love him. That you liked Hongjoong." Seonghwa lies. He doesn't want to tell him about Yeosang's crush on him. He doubts Yeosang wants him to know.

"Oh..." San looks down. "I don't know what to say, Hwa. I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me anything?"

"Because I know what kind of person you are. I know you would've probably given up on him for me... but you're the one he loves, so I want you and him to be together. Of course it hurts, but it's okay as long as you two are happy. Plus, I was scared our friendship would get ruined. I've liked him for a long time now, but our friendship is more important."

"Is he the one you told me you had a crush on when you were in high school?" He asks him and San nods. "San..." Seonghwa frowns and pulls him in for a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't know about your feelings for him."

"It's okay. Just please don't let this change our friendship. That's what I was scared about the most."

"I won't, don't worry." He pulls away from the hug. "I really thought you were dating Yeosang. You two seemed to get along really well."

"Yeah, we did get along really well, but we're just friends." San tells him. "I saw him earlier and he kind of looked mad at me, but I don't know why. Or maybe I just misunderstood."

"Why don't you ask him to hang out?"

"Yeah, you're right." San takes his phone out to text Yeosang.

Hey Yeosang! Do you want
to go out to get drinks tonight?


"So... what did you want to talk about?" Hongjoong asks Seonghwa once they're in Seonghwa's apartment.

"Oh, well..." Seonghwa starts, not knowing how to tell him that he unintentionally heard his and Yeosang's conversation this morning.  "Nothing, I just missed you." He wraps his arms around him and kisses his cheek.

"Are you sure?"

"What? You don't believe I missed you?" Seonghwa frowns. "I did. I really did." He kisses his cheek over and over again.

"I missed you so much too, but we had just seen each other yester-" Hongjoong stops talking when he remembers what happened yesterday. He feels his face heat up and looks away from Seonghwa.

"Hongjoong, you know I'll wait for you, right? You're really important to me and I'd be an idiot if I let you go, so don't think I'd leave you for something like that."

"Yeah, I know." Hongjoong nods and smiles. "But why are you telling me this?"

"Oh... I just wanted to remind you." Seonghwa lies. He clearly knows what he and Yeosang talked about and he wants Hongjoong to stop feeling pressured to do that with him if he's not ready yet.

"Okay, thanks for being so understanding."

Seonghwa makes him feel so loved with every word he says to him. Hongjoong would've never thought that going on that blind date, that wasn't even meant for him, would completely change his life.

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