One Last Night

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How far did her expense account go?

Finn pondered the question as he took another sip of Merenzane Gold, wrapped himself tighter in the plush, golden bathrobe and relaxed into the curved, sumptuous bulk of one of the sofas clustered in the main cabin. He surveyed the interior of the shuttle. It was compact, even cozy, but the decor was pure high-end luxury in the currently fashionable style; flowing organic shapes inlaid with precious metals, polished wood or materials that Finn couldn't identify, from worlds he'd never heard of and would never see. And it seemed to be brand new.

The medbay had been similarly high-end and superbly equipped, and after twenty minutes there, followed by a glass of Merenzane, Finn could barely feel the injury, the stresses of the day slipping away. Floor to ceiling panels gave a simulated view of the passing of some of the more spectacular sights of the cosmos, and Finn stretched out, watching a supernova remnant slip by. He took another sip. So this was how she rolled now. Nice, but he couldn't take what came with it. He had to have to leave this behind. He needed out.

His phone chirped. He'd only broken radio silence ten minutes ago, so that was fast. Finn glanced at the display - "Incoming: FLYBOY" - smiled and tossed the phone onto a low table, for it to throw up a holo of the caller.

"Yo!" he announced to the image of Poe Dameron, AKA The Best Pilot in the Galaxy. Damn, he wished he had half of Poe's knack for self-promotion.

"Dude!" Poe replied, grinning.



"The Dammerman!"

"Mr. Eighty Seven!"


"Man, how's it hanging?" Poe asked.

"To my knees, y'know."

"Yeah, yeah. And... uh," Poe raised an eyebrow and lowered his voice. "It's warming up the Ice Queen, huh?"

Finn looked nervously in the direction of the sleeping cabins and bathrooms, where Rey was taking a shower. "Keep it down, dude," he hissed, "She's in the other room. I'll get Force Lightning up my ass if she thinks I'm telling everyone I'm poking the Great Skywalker."

"Yeah, yeah, chill," Poe soothed. "So are you?"

"Man, are you kidding? I told you. She's driving me nuts. Always putting me down, playing her mind games. I can't take her any more. When we're back on Dantooine, I'm out."

"You said that before."

"I mean it. This time I'm done. The Council asked me to do a job and I've done it. I've kept an eye on her, reported to them, that's it. Somebody else can deal with this mess now. "

"You can't fix her, Finn."

"I know it." Finn looked down. "But somebody has to. They were right, she's losing it," he shook his head to banish an image of the fresh faced young scavenger in the Falcon, laughing. "She doesn't want me here anyway."

"Good, then it's settled by mutual agreement."

"Yeah. It's agreed."

"Looking forward to having you back man. Back here."

Uh, oh.

"I don't have any plans yet."

"Come on, get the old team together again. The deadly duo, Finn and Poe."

"I don't know. I'm going to take some time out, figure out my options. I've got a few things going on." Not exactly true; he had no idea what he'd do or where he'd go after Dantooine. What kind of career opportunities were open to an ex-First Order Stormtrooper, ex-Rebel fighter? He'd probably end up working security again. Bodyguard if he was lucky and called in some favors. "Anyway, you've got the flying academy, you're busy."

A Girl, A Boy and the Stars - A FinnRey storyWhere stories live. Discover now