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The lightsaber spun on the polished stone floor. Dark and worn, its scars held stories of battles against evils, empires and other, more hidden, demons.

Its revolutions slowed gently, perfectly balanced on the black slab shot through with veins of gold; the Casino style, a language of luxury calculated to speak to races and species that spanned the galaxy. Finally the saber came to rest, pointing at the girl that sat cross legged before it. Rey raised an eyebrow and swayed slightly but was held upright by the voluminous mound of black mesh, silk skirts and trains piled around her. The muffled sound of a hit holo-soap leaked into the bedroom from the neighboring room of the dimly lit, spacious suite.

Finn, sat opposite, offered a dark blue bottle, the remains of an excellent Andoan White sloshing around inside, but she raised her chin and shooed it away.

Rey pulled the veil down from where she'd perched it on the top of her head until it covered her eyes again.

"Lando," she said.

"No way!" Finn exclaimed, "When?"

"Right before we left Ajan Kloss for the last time. Another search for a father figure gone wrong. I should give those up."

"You should. He is one charming dude though. I think I almost ended up there myself once or twice."

"He really is," Rey laughed, "He knows how to treat a lady, I'll say that much. No regrets."

"Good. Lando's the best. Ok, spin."

She repositioned the veil on the top of her head and reached forward, skirts and trains rusting, to spin the blackened lightsaber. This time when it stopped, it pointed towards Finn.

"How do I know you're not cheating?" he asked.

"Trust," she answered, a picture of innocence.

Finn considered his options a moment and groaned, reluctantly raising the bottle to take a gulp of the Andoan, sputtering and choking into his fist.

"Steady on," Rey tutted, and looked pointedly at him, "You've got a job to do, remember? Go on, spin."

He finished up coughing to spin again. This time, it came to rest pointing at the girl in black.

"Ok, ok," she inhaled and paused, mainly for dramatic effect rather than to precipitate a decision. "The Amazing Miss Bliss."

"Zorii! Man, Poe would be pissed," he chuckled, shaking his head. He'd always thought of Rey as inexperienced, somewhat chaste even, but she'd kept her liaisons well hidden.

"As she would whisper to me on those chill Krownest nights," she lowered her voice, soft and husky, "'Bliss isn't the name I was born with. I earned it.' And oh - my - god. She wasn't kidding. Phew." She fanned herself theatrically.

Finn pictured the scene in as much detail as it deserved, which took some time, and shook his head. "Video, or it never happened."

"Nice try," Rey scoffed.

"Worth a shot."

She spun the saber, and this time it stopped at Finn.

"Ok, ok," he said, resigned, "Don't judge."

"I never would."

"You would."

"You have such a low opinion of me," she said and reached over to take his hand and look into his eyes, "This is a safe space, FN. Just you and me. No judgments."

"I think she put something in my drink."

Rey's eyes widened in anticipation.


A Girl, A Boy and the Stars - A FinnRey storyWhere stories live. Discover now