Chapter 4

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"Where did you come from?" she asks Thorin.
"From behind those bushes," Thorin says, pointing at his hiding place.
"Well, obviously." Fehlina rolls her eyes.
"Where did you come from?" she asks again.
"From around," Thorin replies.

Fehlina narrows her eyes at him, ready to put a dagger to his throat to wring the location from his lips.

"It's the truth, I don't have a home. I've been wandering around in Middle Earth for a long time without any true purpose or meaning," Thorin says and looks down.

Fehlina thinks he sounds sincere.
"Very well. But what is your business?" she asks.
"Like I said, I'm not quite sure," Thorin answers, shrugging some.

Fehlina looks into his eyes. They look so sad. He really does sound rather lost and unsure of his purpose.

"Where are you heading?" Fehlina asks him a final question.
"I need to rest, and to find something to eat," Thorin says.
"I know a village not far from here, Bree. Do you know where it is?" Fehlina studies Thorin.
"No, I'm lost," Thorin sighs.
"Fine, I'll take you there," Fehlina offers. "I need to get some rest myself."

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