Chapter 28

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Suddenly Azog shows himself, carrying Fili with him.
Thorin and Fehlina halt in their step.
"He'll be the first to die," Azog growls at them.
Fehlina aims for the white beast and is just about to fire when they're under a new attack. Thoin's completely helpless. He wants to save Fili's life, but all he can do is witnessing his nephew being killed while Fehlina tries to protect them.
"Nooo," Thorin roars as Azog is about to stab Fili in the back with his horrible swordlike arm.

Suddenly Kili jumps out from behind the gathered orcs, pulling Fili out of Azog's grip, and jumps of the cliff while holding on to his brother, plummeting towards the ground.
Fehlina watches Fili and Kili hit the ice with a terrible cracking sound.
"Oh no," she mutters while her throat grows tight with tears and heavy sadness. But there's no time not to act, they have to continue fighting.
Another horrid creature named Bolg arrives, and Legolas, and they engage in a deadly dance of destruction, which ends with Bolg's demise.
They're all fighting and killing on top of Ravenhill, trying to protect themselves the best they can.
Then everything goes black, and Fehlina falls to the ground.

Fehlina opens her eyes. Her head's aching, and in a split second she doesn't know where she is. She sits up and looks around, seeing dead orcs and blood everywhere. Then she hears noises, shouting; Thorin!
She gets up, wavering and in a lot of pain, but she has to keep fighting. She picks up her bow and fit an arrow to the string.
She approaches the place where the noise's coming from, and then she sees Azog and Thorin fighting each other.
Thorin does a calculated move, jumping off the ice flake they're standing on, sending Azog under the ice, into the freezing water.
Thorin notices Fehlina, before casting his eyes downward to stare at Azog flowing underneath the thick ice, a transparent floor from immediate danger.
Distracted from her otherwise keen senses, all her focus on Thorin, Fehlina's attacked by a couple of orcs and has to fight them off. She struggles since she's hurt, but does not give up. Suddenly she hears a terrible roar coming from Thorin, and then Azog bursts through the ice.

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