Chapter 15

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Months later, Fehlina's back in the Woodland Realm, deep within the forests of Mirkwood.
She's joined the patrolling guards, and is hunting and killing giant spiders and orcs on an almost daily basis.
She's been having a hard time being let back into the kingdom since the elvenking took her leave of absence as a sign of disloyalty. She's been convincing him that she's back to stay, and that she wants to be a part of the guard to help defend the kingdom, as the outside world has become even more dangerous with the oncoming shadow filled with threat and terror.

One day, Fehlina's outside patrolling as usual. They're about a dozen elves, the king's son; Legolas, is one of them.
They thought that they were in for a boring round when they suddenly hear shouting and sounds of fighting nearby.

The guards rush towards the noise. Spiders and dwarves are fighting each other.
The eleves shoot the spiders as they approch the dwarves, and surround the dwarfish company. Fehlina points her arrow at one of them, but lowers it at once when she realizes who it is. "Thorin!" she exclaims, happy beyond immediate reason when she does.
"Fehlina!" Thorin is so surprised, and so utterly glad to see her given the neverending gloomy trek through the forest.
"You two know each other?" Legolas comes up beside Fehlina.
Fehlina freezes, she doesn't quite know what to answer.
"Ehmmm... I met him on my journey," she says eventually.
"Did you now?" Legolas asks.
"It was nothing, just a brief encounter in Bree," Fehlina shrugs, pretending it was all casual. Legolas looks suspiciously at Thorin. He walks over to him and takes Thorin's sword from him, studying it.
It's an elvish blade, rising further suspicion from the elven prince.
Thorin risks looking at Fehlina. He knows she can't tell Legolas anything more than what she's already told. It's no use.

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