Midnight Calls

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Throughout the night, all Rick did was toss and turn. His thoughts consumed him for hours on end. There's something about this man, something i've never felt towards anyone. But I don't know what it is...I just can't explain the feeling. There are no words to describe it. Needless to say, Rick was beyond confused.

He wanted to be in Negans presence again, he felt so comfortable and warm with him. Rick reached for his phone and picked it up, it was 3:27am. I need to fucking sleep. I can't rest my mind. Hesitantly, Rick opened his messages, staring at Negans name on the screen. Should I? No, it's too late....fuck it. Rick clicked on Negans message, and began typing. "Hey...I know it's late, I probably shouldn't even send this but I can't sleep. Thank you for tonight. It's the most i've enjoyed myself in a long time, too long. I really like spending time with you, so we should see each other again soon if you're up for it. Hope my text doesn't wake you up."

Assuming Negan wouldn't respond, Rick put his phone back on the nightstand and rolled onto his stomach, closing his eyes.

As he laid there, still overwhelmed by his own mind, his phone went off. Rick rolled back over and picked up his phone to turn it on, seeing a message from Negan. "Don't worry about it I can't sleep either. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, I did also. Honestly the last time I felt like that was with my wife, so thank you. I'm free all day tomorrow if you are, you know where I live ;)" Rick smiled at the last part of Negans text.

God did Negan wanna see him again. Something about Rick makes him feel so safe, and it's not just because he's a cop. He's the only person that has made Negan feel good since Lucille passed away.

"I was gonna say you could come over, but I have to admit, I'm just in love with your house. As pathetic as it sounds. It's so cozy, and there's no kids to deal with." Rick has kids? He never mentioned that, but why? Negan always wanted kids of his own.

As Rick was waiting for a response, his phone started to vibrate intensely. "Negan is calling" popped up on the screen. Rick instantly smiled, then slowly answered. Before he could even say hi, Negan spoke. "Why didn't you tell me you have kids? I fucking love those little shits, I need to meet them. Seriously." Rick laughed loudly, then covered his mouth quickly, remembering not to wake up Carl or Judith.

"Calm down, calm down. Come over tomorrow and you can meet them, I promise." Rick was still recovering from laughing so hard. I never imagined Negan liking kids. I mean yeah I really haven't known him for long but he never gave me that impression.

"I might just leave with one tho, you gotta watch me. What are their names?" "Carl and Judith, Carl is 13 and Judith is 2. Judith will leave you exhausted though, don't know how she has so much energy." Rick said in a challenging tone.

"Please, I can handle her" Negan rolled his eyes, wishing Rick could see it.

The two men continued talking for a while, about Carl and Judith, Negans job, what kind of food each of them liked. Rick yawned loudly, "You tired?" "Very" Rick replied. Please just a little longer, Negan thought.

"Go to sleep Rick" Negan said softly, "I'll see you tomorrow anyways" he added. Rick took a moment to respond, since he was basically falling asleep with his phone in his hand. "Ok...I will. You sleep too." Negan smiled at Ricks words. "Only for you, I suppose." Negan retorted.

For me? "Goodnight Negan" Rick said with a raspy voice. Hearing Rick say his name made Negan feel so weird. Like some type of nervousness deep in his chest. "Goodnight blue eyes" Negan said, waiting for Rick to hang up.

After hearing the call end, Negan got up from the couch, leaving behind the few empty beer bottles on the table, deciding to clean it up later. He stepped into his room, undressing himself and got into bed. Once his back hit the soft mattress, he was far more tired than he felt before. He soon felt the dizziness hit him like a truck. Damn beer, I should really limit myself. A short amount of time passed, and Negan was fast asleep.

"Goodnight blue eyes" kept repeating in Ricks head, keeping him awake even though he was beyond tired. He usually hated any type of nicknames, but this one...he loved. Especially when Negan said it with such a raspy voice like he just did. It made him feel happy and special in a way.

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