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Only a few days had passed since Shane had came over and finally explained what was going on. Since then, all three of them had bonded a bit, mainly Shane and Negan, Rick was just happy to have his best friend back.

Surprisingly, Shane has grown on Negan - their humor is similar in certain aspects, so they know exactly how to get on Rick's nerves;and they enjoy doing it.

One night, after Shane had left, Rick and Negan were still sprawled out on the couch despite how late it was. They were watching tv beside each other, tiredness hitting them both.

Negan was the one to break the silence, finally asking something he's been wanting to ask ever since Shane came back.

"Remember a few days ago when you said you knew Shane was gay because of the stuff he did to you?" Negan stared at Rick, waiting to catch his eyes. Rick turned his head a bit, but didn't face Negan fully.

"Yeah?" He questioned curiously - he knew what question was coming, and he almost dreaded it. He now turned his head more, staring into Negan's eyes, watching as a mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

"So what did he do?" He asked in a low voice, parting his lips with his tongue. He watched as Rick became visibly uncomfortable, shuffling in his spot, scratching the back of his neck. Rick sighed deeply, resting his head on the back of the couch.

"Do we really have to talk about this?" Rick groaned, closing his eyes. He was almost too nervous to tell Negan - unsure of how he would react. But, maybe it wouldn't be so bad now that him and Shane had bonded a bit and became close in a way.

"Yes, Rick. Just spit it out." Negan assured poorly, anxious to know what had happened between them. Rick lifted his head off of the couch, staring straight ahead and preventing any eye contact with Negan.

He sighed softly before speaking. "The week after Lori had died, I was stuck in bed - only got up to go to the bathroom. Didn't eat or drink anything, didn't shower. Just slept while the kids were with their grandparents that week." Rick paused, starting to remember how he felt during that time. Everything came back to him.

"One day Shane came over to check on me, I was in bed of course. He tried to convince me to get up and eat, or just take a shower, but I refused. I didn't even have the energy to do it."

Between Rick's pauses, Negan started thinking. Why would he tell me all of this? How is this relevant to what happened? His mind was racing and he was pretty confused, but he went along with it.

"So...he uh-he carried me to the bathroom and we showered together. I could barely stand on my own, so he kept me upright. During it, he was touchin' me a lot - everywhere, which I really didn't mind, kind of liked it actually. But, he then..." Again, Rick paused, unable to even say the words he wanted to. He chuckled to himself softly, feeling as his whole body heated up from embarrassment. He covered part of his face with his hand, knowing that his face must've been bright red by now.

Negan chuckled along with him. "He what? Fucked you?" Negan joked, holding back a loud laugh in his throat. Rick shook his head back and forth, hand still covering his face.

"No, he-he just jerked me off. He said it would relieve some stress, I didn't fight him about it anyway. I did tell him that it was just gonna be a one time thing, though;it wasn't." Rick sighed, finally removing his hand from his face. He still felt a bit embarrassed, but also a little better, revealing him and Shane's secret.

All Negan could do was chuckle quietly. To him, this was something he did regularly - before and after Lucille. Shane was right about the stress part, pleasuring himself always helped, and it helped even more when someone else did it for him.

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