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The next morning Rick woke up still on the couch, but Negan and Judith were gone. He figured Judith was brought up to her room, but where could have Negan went? He looked around the room squinting, from the sun shining through the windows, but no one was in sight. He was still half asleep, so he took a moment to try and wake up, then he smelt something cooking. Is that bacon? Rick rose from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. He was met with Negan making breakfast. Bacon on the frying pan, eggs scrambled in a bowl, toast in the toaster.

Rick stood in the doorframe, watching as Negan cooked;he found it entertaining. Just watching him move, and the little faces he made from focusing. It was all so adorable to Rick.

Negan quickly turned around to grab something, but jumped in surprise as he saw Rick. "Jesus fucking christ you scared me." Negan breathed heavily, catching his breath. Rick smirked, Negan's heavy breathing was fulfilling him. "You need to stop watching me, you creep." Negan joked, as he continued to finish cooking. Rick silently laughed to himself, "Like I said I can't help it, so deal with it." Rick shrugged, stepping further into the kitchen to sit down at the island. Negan stopped in his tracks, then slowly turned around to look at Rick. "You better be fucking joking!" Negan laughed, looking Rick directly in the eyes. He looked back at him, noticing Negan was giving him a daring glare.

He leaned over the counter, getting closer to Rick's face. "Don't tell me what to do." Negan said in a low tone, Rick could feel his warm breath on his face. Somehow, this was turning Rick on, hearing Negan speak to him so firmly. Rick smirked at him, almost like he was challenging him. "Kiss me" Rick said in an unbothered tone. Negan moved his tongue between his lips, making a clicking noise in provocation, then smirked. "Now that...I suppose I'll listen to you on that one." Negan admitted, moving his face even closer to Rick's, about to kiss him. "The bacon is still cooking, don't burn it." Rick laughed, leaning back in his seat, away from Negan's face. Of course Rick wanted to tease Negan a bit, he loved seeing him frustrated, almost begging. "You motherfucker." Negan hissed, slowly stepping away from the counter and turning around to check on the bacon.

Within a few minutes Negan finished up cooking, piling the food onto plates, one for Rick and himself. He sat next to Rick, placing one of the plates down in front of him. "Thank you, you really didn't have to." Rick contradicted, but Negan was quick to roll his eyes in disagreement. "I felt like it, now shut up and eat." Negan groaned playfully, sprinkling his eggs with pepper. Rick chuckled, "You better be nice to me." Negan turned his head to Rick, an evil grin on his face. " better be nice to me." Negan growled, looking deeply into Rick's eyes. Rick turned his view to the plate in front of him, smirking as he shoveled food onto his fork and ate.

They both finished eating, so Rick took their plates and put them in the sink. As he walked over to the stove to take the pans, he noticed there was still eggs and bacon on them. "Why did you make so much?" Rick asked, confusion planted on his face as he waited for an answer. "It's for Carl and Judith." Negan smiled, looking across the kitchen at Rick. He smiled softly, "Thank you." Rick said quietly, walking over to where Negan is sitting, wrapping his arms around his neck. "You're welcome." Negan replied, looking up to Rick. He moved his head closer to Rick, giving him a quick, gentle kiss.

A few hours had passed, Carl and Judith already ate breakfast and all of them were relaxing in the living room. "I think i'm gonna go to Enid's." Carl stated, getting up from the couch. Rick looked over to him curiously, "Ok, just be home before 7, for dinner." "Yup." Carl responded, then ran upstairs to his room.

Rick turned his attention back to the tv, moving his eyes to Negan every few seconds;he saw it. "Who's Enid?" Negan asked, looking back to Rick for a response. "One of Carl's friends from school, they're basically inseparable." A soft smile spread across Rick's face. He loved Enid like she was his own daughter, either Carl would disappear for hours, always at her house or she would come over.

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