The Messenger

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Later that day Rick was at work, in his office since he was eating lunch on his break. He found it hard to not make eye contact with Shane, their offices were right next to each other and he was always walking past Ricks. Shane would glance at him every chance he had, his eyes filled with anger and disgust. Rick tried his hardest to brush it off, but every little thing this guy did got to him.

As Ricks anger was increasing quickly, he heard a knock on the door. He lifted his head and saw Negan leaning on the doorframe, a small smirk on his face. Somehow just seeing Negan calmed Rick down, his anger started to settle. "Come in, just close the door." Said Rick as he stood up from his chair and walked to the front of his desk. Negan walked up to him, closing the distance between them. "I just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing. I don't want that asshole bothering you." Negan sighed, running his hand down his face.

Rick gave him a soft smile, but he wasn't sure wether he should tell Negan the truth. He didn't want Negan to do anything stupid. "I'm fine. Besides from a few glares here and there, everything's ok." Rick assured him. Negan pulled him closer, into his chest. Rick rested his head against him, the warmth coming from Negan comforted him.

"By the way, you look hotter in your uniform than I remembered." A wide grin covered Negans face.

"Shut up" Rick teased, smiling up to Negan. They stared at each other for a moment before Negan grabbed Ricks chin gently, and pulled him in for a kiss. Which, turned into a short make out session. Ricks lip still hurt, bleeding occasionally, Negan noticed once he broke off the kiss. He wiped away the blood with his thumb, giving Rick a soft smile.

"What time do you leave?" Negan asked, his hand still placed on Ricks face. "I'm gonna see if I can leave early, things are quiet today. You can wait for me at my house if you want, I'm sure Carl and Judith would be happy to see you there." Rick said as he stepped away from Negans touch, to sit back down at his desk.

Negan smiled at Ricks words. He loved those kids like they're his own. Maybe he looked at them as his own too. "Ok, I will." Negan stepped back towards the door as Rick spoke again, "Oh, here." Rick took his keys out of his pocket and fiddled with one of the keys. "You're gonna need this" Rick stated as he handed a key to Negan, who took it gently. They both smiled at each other, "Yup. That would probably help." Negan joked, making Rick chuckle.

Negan walked back to the door and opened it, "See you later" Negan winked, closing the door behind him. God does he make me fucking melt. Rick thought to himself, staring at the door which Negan just closed.

Negan arrived at Ricks house, taking his shoes off at the door. He sat down on the couch and turned on the tv, scrolling through the channels. Soon enough he found something interesting, watching it as he let the time pass, waiting for Carl and Judith to get home.

He heard talking coming from outside as the front door opened, Judith walking in first, Carl behind her. Judith immediately noticed Negan on the couch, she ran over to him. "Negan!" She yelled, jumping into his arms. Negan hugged her tightly as he ran his hand through her hair. Shortly after, Carl came up to Negan and sat on the couch opposite to him. "What are you doing here?" Carl asked curiously, turning his his to the tv and watching it for a moment. "Your dad said I could I come over, wait for him to get home...and see you guys of course." Negan added shyly. He wasn't sure if Carl liked him yet. They got off on a bad footing from the first time they met, though Negan wasn't offended by the kids words. Still, he could somewhat tell that Carl was feeling him out.

He looked back at Negan, "Oh, ok, that's fine. I don't mind." Carl was hesitant to admit it, but he was starting to like Negan. After seeing how he treats his dad, and making him happy. He couldn't not like him.

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