Nicole POV
I run through the woods at full speed before I remember something. Morgan's kids are with Axion. I stop and turn. I need to go back. I have to save them so I run full on back and to his mansion. Nobody is here. I sneak into the mansion and down to the cellar to see them tied up. I walk over to them.
"Mom?" a girl says. I untie her and she hugs me tightly.
"Hey, come on. Lets get you home." I say undoing the others and we walk back upstairs but outside Axion and the whole family stands waiting.
"I awaited more from you Nicole. I thought you were good for us." he says smiling.
"Your torturing them. They're young. They all have kids. Whats wrong with you?" I say making him chuckle.
"They're going to suffer. Just like you now." he says. I back us up but something hits my neck, causing me to fall into darkness.
~Sometime Later~
I open my eyes, looking around to see the dark, stone walls of the basement. I sit up, my head throbbing in pain as I feel the heavy chains around my wrists. I look around but I'm alone. I lay back down, wanting the pain in my head to go away a the door opens.
"Hey Nicole, how are you?" a familiar voice says. I look up and see Carter. "I'm glad your back. I missed you."
"What you want?" I ask. He shrugs and kneels down.
"I just wanna talk to you about what happened." he says.
"Sure, why would you wanna do that?" I ask.
"Because unlike my brother I care for you." he says. "Look...I won't let him kill you but you gotta talk to us. You have to work with us on this."
"I ain't doing shit." I say. "They're my family."
"You don't know them." he says. "You won't ever know then."
"But I gave myself to save them." I say. He shakes his head and stands up.
"If you don't help we're going to kill you." he says before standing up and but stops before leaving the room. I sit there...looking out the small window out to the dark, night sky. Then the door opens again and its Axion.
" about a deal." he says.
"No." I say looking down.
"Come on, its easy. If you do it I'll leave your family alone and you can live forever happy." he says kneeling down.
"What do you want then?" I ask sitting up abit.
"I want you to convince Morgan to pay for what she did." he says.
"Only if you tell me what she did." I say. He smiles and nods.
"Years back my family and I were on our way to the zoo when a wolf jumped onto the road. Then Morgan. She was hunting it. She shot it with something and it fell back onto my car. It exploded, killing my family but I made it. Now I want her dead." he says.
"Thats it? Really? Thats why your losing you shit on her. Its in the past so forget it." I say looking down.
"I won't and I want her to pay so get her to come here." he says getting closer. "Or I'll kill Skylar and Aiden."
"You wouldn't dare." I say. He smiles and nods.
"I would, you know it. And your grandchild." he says. The door opens and Skylar is dragged in. He walks over to her, picking her up and punching her in the stomach. "Your doing it?"
"No." I say. He smiles and takes out a knife, stabbing her hard in the chest. "No! Stop!" she drops to the ground. "No..please I'll do it...I'll do it." he smiles and nods.
"Good, see you in the morning." he smiles and leaves the room. Now I gotta force Morgan to come here but I head over to Skylar. I shake her but she doesn't wake up but when I feel for her pulse but nothing.
Nikki :)