Nicole POV
"You killed my dad?! Why?!" he yells. I look to Morgan who's abit idea less I what to say.
"He...attacked me." I say looking down.
"And thats a reason to kill him?!" he yells rushing over to Brevlen's lifeless body.
"Atty I...."
"Don't fucking call me that! You killed my father you bitch!" he cuts me off bringing tears to my eyes.
"Attila! You didn't even let her tell you what happened!" Morgan yells.
"Because I know its a fucking lie!" he yells.
"Brevlen raped her!" she yells. He looks at me but his eyes fill with rage.
"Thats a lie! My father would never to that! He loved Nicole, all of us!" he yells.
"Why do you believe your father more than us?!" she yells.
"He was right! I should've never mated with her! She was the biggest mistake I ever made and now my father's dead!" he yells. At that moment my heart is ripped in a thousand pieces again. I let the tears flow but I won't him see me. I run toward the woods and shift, running away from everything again. I run to Sam's pack.....two states away without stopping. I get there and find him with his mate who's mate I don't know.
"Nicole? What the hell are you doing here and what happened to your feet?" he asks. I look down to see them torn up, bloody and raw.
"Oh..well would you look at that." I say.
"Whats wrong?" he asks walking over to me.
"Brevlen raped me again and Morgan killed him but Atty took it the wrong way. He called me a bitch, saying I was the biggest mistake he ever made." I say looking down.
"Nicole....I'm so sorry." he says walking over to me and giving me a tight hug. "I'll have my healers check you out than you can stay here for the night." I nod and we walk over to his healer. After a check of the certain area and my feet I shift back. I lay down and Sam covers me with a blanket before sitting down next to me.
"Sam? Why don't you have kids?" I ask sitting up abit. I'm naked because I just to hot and didn't give a single fuck to put clothes on.
"I never found a female worth carrying my child." he says looking down.
"Why not? There are so many females here." I say.
"I want one I know. One I can really trust." he says. "I really want children but I don't know how it would work."
"I wish I could help. I can't think of any females though." I say. He looks down to me, narrowing his eyes and smiling.
"But I can." he says.
Shit...I know.
Nikki :)