Nicole POV
After a long night with Atty I'm the in the kitchen making myself something to eat when Brevlen walks in. I turn and jump back.
"Hey, what is it?" he asks smiling. Than I remember that he never did anything to me.
"Nothing, you just scared me." I say turning back to the counter. I try to focus away from him until I feel arms lightly wrap around me waist. Thinking its Atty and lean back but only than do I realize its Brevlen. "Get off." I try to push him away but his grip tightens.
"Be quiet little girl." he whispers pulling me back. I try to pull away but my legs are still abit weak so I can't. And as I want to yell his hand covers my mouth and I'm pulled into a dark room and thrown down stairs. I'm in the basement. I pull myself up and look around. I know I can't get out of here so I try to hide but he grabs me again and starts to pull me towards the bookshelf. He pulls the right book and it opens. He throws me in and closes the door behind me.
"Stop...leave me be." I say backing into the wall. He gets closer and pulls out a small, silver knife. Silver doesn't really hurt us that much but it does burn like a bitch.
"You remind me of my wife." he says. "She was just like you and its only a tic of luck that your my son's mate. The only this is...Attila's a daddy's boy. You can tell him all you want and he won't believe you." he trails the knife up my legs making him shake.
"Why do you only go against me?" I ask.
"Because I like you more." he says. "Now, if you stay quiet you'll be okay. If you make to much noise I'll cut your tongue out." he pushes me to the ground and starts his assault. I really thought I could trust him again but I guess I was wrong.
I know...I'm an ass when it comes to Brevlen.
Nikki :)