Nicole POV
I kick against my back wakes me up. I groan and turn to see Morgan thrashing around. Than she kicks and leg full boar but I feel nothing.
"Hey!" I say shaking her. She opens her eyes and sighs. "Nightmare?"
"What? No." she says sitting up. I try but my legs slide and I fall to my back.
"Damn it." I mumble. She smiles and helps me up and against the tree. "Thanks."
"Its fine." she says. "Hold still."
"What?" I ask as she pulls my pants up and I see a large gash. "What the hell?"
"Maybe last night." she says. I shrug and she stands up. "I'll get someone to take a look at it." I nod and see walks away. I sit there, feeling the fresh breeze. Than I start to fall to my side but I can stop myself just as Morgan and a wolf return. "Okay, he's the healer of them."
"I'm Markus Brevlen." he says.
"Brevlen?" I ask.
"Yes, is that a problem?" he asks.
"No, its fine." I say looking at Morgan who shrugs. He looks at the wound and pulls off the belt he's wearing.
"I'm gonna look around." Morgan says walking away.
"Okay, I'll clean it than spread some anti infection cream on it than wrap it up." he says. I nod and he careful cleans it.
"Are you a time traveler?" I ask.
"No, they need me for healing them. They can get hurt to." he says. I nod as he wraps the wound up. "There we go."
"Thanks." I say looking down.
"Whats wrong?" he asks.
"I can't feel anything below my waist so my...." I trail off hoping he gets it.
" you have a...a mate?" he asks. I think I know where he's going....and I like it.
"No, I don't. Yes I'm marked but he died." I say.
"We could....try something." he says. The thought that he belongs to Atty's family makes me abit more comfortable.
"We could but we can't let my sister find out...and the funny thing is we just met." I say. He smiles and nods.
"Well....its just sex." he says.
"Oh god." I say pulling myself up. "Come on." he nods and we walk out to the river far away from the others. "You've had sex before, right?"
"Yes! I have. You?" he asks pulling his shirt off
"Yeah...I have two kids." I say pulling my shirt off. "This is dumb but can you help me with my pants?"
"Oh...yes." he says walking over to me. "Wait, inside or out?"
"What?" I ask.
"Outside or in my tent. It's built up around a tree." he says.
"Inside." I say. He nods and walk walk a few steps to his tent and inside.
"On the bed or against the tree?" he asks. Weirdest conversation ever.
"Against the tree." I say. He nods and walks over to me, pulling my pants of and kissing my neck. It feels like my Atty, soft and loving. I smile and kiss his lips lightly as he pushes me against the tree. He rips my panties off as I slide his boxers down his legs. I know he's stroking my thighs but I can't feel it.
"Ready?" he asks.
"Yeah." I say. He nods and slowly pushes in but I can't feel it. Nothing. He thrusts slowly, letting out groans and grunts but I feel the tears coming. This can't be true. I can't feel it, anything. It can't work with Atty like this. I think he comes cause he pulls out and frowns.
"You didn't feel anything, did you?" he asks. I shake my head and hug him tightly. "Hey, its okay."
"Its not. I lied to you." I say.
"What? How he asks softly rubbing my back.
"I do have a mate but he's like your great, great, great, great grandson or some shit." I say.
"Oh..thats fine." he says. I pull back and he wipes the tears away. "ts okay."
"Whats he gonna say? He'll leave me." I say.
"No he won't. He'll love you for you and not because you can't feel anything anymore." he says. "Now come on, lets start walking. You need to get better." I nod and we pull our clothes on. This really can't be happening.
AAAHHH!!!!! Nicole is such a slut...I know. Plus I hate saying panties...gross. I just don't like the word
Nikki :)