Morgan POV
So, Attila and I stopped and Nicole pulled herself back. I'm worried that she's falling back into her old ways. I try to talk to her but she always blocks and I can't get through to her. She hasn't come downstairs for a few days so I decide to go up. I walk upstairs and to her room.
"Nicole?" she's sitting at her desk, doing something to her leg. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing, I just cut myself." she says pulling a blanket over her legs. I shrug walk over to her, sitting down.
"Can I ask you something?" I say. She nods and looks back to her desk. "Are you really pissed about Attila and I?"
"No, not really." she says starting to write something.
"Really? Not even a little bit?" I ask abut shocked.
"Yep, I'm fine." she says. I give her a look before standing up and starting to walk away but her blanket gets caught on my foot and I pull it from her. I turn and pick it up but see blood all over her legs.
"Whats that?" I ask looking closer. She pulls away and tries to leave but I stop her. "What is that?"
"I got cut." she says.
"Don't give me that. I know your lying so tell me what it is." I say. She doesn't anwser so I pull her closer and see large cuts and bruises. "Who did this?"
"Nobody." she mumbles.
"Tell me who did it!" I yell. Even though its not really my place to get pissy right now but otherwise she won't tell me. "I'm gonna bet your ass if you don't fucking tell me!"
"I did it to myself!" she says. I let her arm go and sit back. "I've been cutting and beating myself."
"Why?" I ask.
"I'm not good for anything anyway." she says looking down.
"Don't say that because you know as well as I do that we all need you." I say. "So let me see it." She pulls her pant legs up and I see huge gashes and bruises.
"I've been using everything I can, knifes, hammers, pliers, everything I could find." she says.
"You can't keep doing it." I say. She shakes her head and turns. "You not gonna make anything better for yourself."
"You don't know what its like to be stuck in a fucking chair! To now take your grandchild out to teach them how to hunt! To not be able to keep your mate happy." she yells. "You don't and will never know what it feels like!" she turns and leaves the room. She getting worse and if we don't help her than it might be to late.
I know....but wait.
Nikki :)