Morgan POV
I open my eyes but feel sore. I look around and the whole whole looks like a battlefield. I climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom but it looks just as bad as the rest of the room. I clean as much as I can and wash up before walking back to see everybody still asleep.
"Nicole, get up." I say shaking her but she only groans and rolls over. "Up!" I shake her again.
"No! Go away." she mumbles. I sigh and take her arm.
"Get.....up!" I say pulling off the bed but it goes wrong and she lands on my legs. "Okay, your up." I say but she shakes her head.
"I hope you know I'm not getting up." she says pulling the blanket over herself. I try to pull myself out but I'm stuck.
"Why do you do this to me?" I ask.
"Its your own fault." she says. I groan and get on of my legs out so I try to push her off. "Will you let me sleep?"
"No, get your fatass off me!" I say getting her off.
"Stop calling me names chubby cheeks." she says.
"Stop being so mean!" I say.
"Hey! Its 8am and way to early!" Attila yells. She stands up and walks to the bathroom. "Just be quiet." He can be pissy when he doesn't get sleep. Than somebody knocks on the door. I stand up and open it.
"Roomservice." he says. He looks alot like Brevlen. Than Nicole walks out but loses her shit when she sees him. She falls and crawls back. "Is she okay?" but than she shifts and breaks the window. Before he can run away I grab him and pull him in.
"Listen, we won't hurt you if you stay quiet." I say. I look to Nicole who looks like a scared dog, ears back, tail between her legs and she's shaking. I walk over to her and kneel down. "Your okay, its fine." I say. She nods and looks to the man.
"Its Brevlen." she says.
"No, its not. Its okay." I say. She calms down and I look at the broken window. "While your here, can you see what you could do about the window?"
"S-sure." he says walking over to it. "I think I can put a ne...." but I kick him out and he falls to the hard ground before splattering all over the sidewalk.
"Why did you do that?" Nicole asks.
"He saw you, its better this way and he will be missed." I say calmly. Than I scream at the top of my lungs making her jump and dive under the bed but being the size she is the bed flips up and lands on her. Than people flood in.
"What happened?" a man asks.
"A...a man...he fell out.....and......" I cried.
"Get these people out of here and to a better room." he says. This should be fun.
I know...not long.
Nikki :)