Morgan POV
I open my eyes and look around. Nicole is still sleeping but Mark is gone. I climb out of bed and walk over to her. I shake her leg but remember she can't feel it.
"Nicole!" I say. She groans and rolls over. "Come on little sis."
"I'm awake. I just need wake up fully." she says. I nod and sit down. "Morgan?"
"Yeah?" I say.
"Your sitting on my foot." she says. I stand up and see her foot.
"Oh, sorry. You felt that?" I ask.
"No, but it cracked when you sat down." she says sitting up.
"Oh...sorry." I say but she covers her ears.
"Don't! I hate that word!" she says making me smile. "Thats my MorMor."
"I'm being an annoying older sister." I say.
"Nah...its fine." she says. I nod and reach over to mess with her hair. "What are you doing?"
"I wanna play with your hair." I say. She nods and leans back. "Whats wrong?"
"I didn't sleep right." she says.
"Oh, try and sleep some more. You need it." I say. She nods and lay back down. I stand up and leave the house, walking out to the dim fire.
"Hey Morgan." Markus says.
"Hey." I say sitting down. "Nicole is still sleeping."
"She didn't sleep at all last night." he says. "I saw her."
"She misses out family." I say.
"She tells me about her kids." he says. I look up and give him a look. "But not very often."
"Doesn't surprise me." I say. "She misses them as I do."
"You have a child, right?" he asks.
"Yeah, I do." I say looking down.
"Can you tell me about them?" he asks.
"Her name was Anabella, she was pregnant when we left." I say. "I really wish I could see her child."
"What about Nicole's kids?" he asks.
"She has a 22 year old daughter and 21 year old son. She's a grandmother as well." I say.
"Maybe thats why she doesn't talk about them that much." he says.
"I'm guessing why." I say. "But lets stop talking about our family." He nods and looks back to the fire. I'm not in the mood to talk about what I might never see again.
Good? Bad?
Nikki :)