Morgan POV
I open the front door, taking my jacket off but stopping to see the basement door open. I always close and lock it before I leave. I walk over to the door to see a trail of blood leading from the steps to the kitchen. I walk in and see Attila standing at the counter.
"Attila, what are you doing?" I ask making him just and turn to see me.
"I wa....was up here to...." but I raise my hand shutting him up.
"I thought I told you not to leave the basement." I say walking over to him. He looks at me with pure fear and nods. "Than why is your sorry ass up here?"
"I just wanted some never give me anything to drink." he says softly.
"Oh....well you didn't deserve any and now? Not even a little." I say. "Now back to the basement before I get mad."
"No! Just let me talk to Nicole. I don't care if she slept with some guy! I don't!" he says getting loud.
"You fucked up! You picked your pervert father over your own mate!" I yell pushing him back.
"What else should I have done?! He was my father!" he yells.
"Listened to her!" I yell back.
"Than let me go to her!" he says.
"No, you fucked up, you deal with the punishment." I say.
"What are you gonna do?" he asks.
"Your asking....Morgan what she's gonna do to fuck you up. Oh I have soooooo many ideas." I say with a smile. He tries to push me but I throw him to the ground. "I told you not to fuck with me."
"Let me talk to her!" he says.
"No! You fucked up, you deal with the punishment!" I say. He shakes his head and tries to stand up but I hold him down and drag the knife across his chest.
"Morgan?" I turn and see Jax. "What the hell are you doing?"
"He fucked up!" I say.
"Jax! Help!" he says.
" can't be doing this." Jax says walking over to me and taking the knife from me. "Come on."
"But he...." he shakes his head and walks me to the living room.
"Alright, stay here." he says walking back to the kitchen. Soon he walks back out with Attila and upstairs. Than he walks back. "Really?"
"What?" I ask.
"You can't be doing shit like that." he says.
"Yeah...whatever." I say looking down.
"I'm not kidding. Nicole may still want him and if you kill him she'll be pissed." he says.
"Yeah..alright." I say standing up. "I'm going out."
"Morgan come on, your acting like a child." he says.
"A child that won't let her little sister get hurt." I say heading out the door. He has no idea what he's talking about so he should stay out of my shit!
I know its short but my board big sissy who bugs me every day about it wanted an update and I was board to anyway ya go.
Nikki :)