Nicole POV
I stand in my old office in my old house, trying to find out what kind of blood this is. Its driving me up the damn wall. I just tested it for Hybrid blood, even though thats dumb but I try. Soon it comes out negative. I kick the wall, my foot goes through. Then the door opens and Annabella walks in.
"Umm..why did you kick into my room?" she asks.
"I'm sorry....this is really pissing me off." I say sitting down.
"Should I get mom?" she asks. I sigh and nod. She leaves and I hear her walk down the stairs. Why can't I figure out what it is? I sit there, staring at the door until Morgan walks in.
"Hey, whats up?" she asks sitting down.
"I can't figure this out at all." I say. "Its no creature I know of."
"Hmm..well...have you thought of something that ain't a creature?" she asks.
"What could it be? Its really...nothing." I say.
"Okay..I don't know about any of that stuff soo...I'll leave you too it." she says. I nod as she walks out. I continue to look through my notes and books until her question maybe its not a creature at all. I get my book on humans and test the blood for humans.
"Nicole?" I look up to see Atty.
"Hey, whats up?" I ask.
"Are you ever gonna take a break?" he asks walking in and over to me.
"When I find out if I'm right yes." I say. He walks behind me, lightly massaging my shoulders.
"We never do anything anymore." he says making me sigh.
"I know..look. My brother just got killed. I really wanna find out who did it." I say looking down.
"I know but maybe a break would be good for you." he says.
"Just let me finish and we can spend some time together." I say. He groans and walks back around.
"Alright..I'll be here." he says before walking out. I look back to my test to see its down. I jump up and look closer to see its positive. Humans? What?
"Morgan!" I yell. Soon after she walks in.
"What do you want?" she asks abit annoyed.
"I know what killed Sam and the others." I say making her smile.
"Okay and who?" she asks.
"Humans." I say making her give me a look of confusion.
"What? How can they kill us?" she asks.
"I don't know but this is human blood and it took me almost two weeks to find out! I'm a fucking idiot!" I say kicking my desk.
"Stop kicking things!" she says. "Okay..lets tell mom and dad."
"No! If we tell them then hell will break lose for all humans." I say.
"Alright then...what should we do?" she asks.
"Do stuff ourselves. Investigate!" I say making her roll her eyes.
"Fine! We can but just...let me be the mean one so I can kick they're asses. I hate humans anyway." she says.
"You hate everybody." I say.
"Thats true but still." she says. "I just wanna hurry with this so I can get back to my life."
"Alright! Fine! We'll hurry." I say sitting back.
"Good, now..I'm gonna go fine something Morganish to do." she says turning around and walking out. least I know who it is now I just gotta find them.
~Later that Night~
I sit alone down in the living room at 2am. I can't sleep with this whole human thing running through my mind.
"What are you doing up?" Morgan says walking down the stairs.
"I can't sleep." I say as she sits down next to me.
"Why not?" she asks.
"Just because of the human thing." I say looking down. "I don't get who would kill our kind. We never move against them."
"Who knows. Maybe its just some crazed man revenging his family or something." she says.
"Yeah..yeah.." I say. "Maybe your right."
"I think so but come on. You want a hug?" she says holding her arms out.
"What? No!" I say but she pulls me into a hug crushing my bones. "Ahhh...Morgan!"
"I looooooooooove you tooooooo Nikki!" she says hugging me tighter.
"Okay! I'm okay now but let me go!" I say as sh finally does. "Geez."
"Yup, now go to bed." she says standing up and walking up the stairs. I smile and turn everything off before going upstairs myself, hoping for a nice sleep not what I got at all.
Soooooooooo...yeah. WHATS HAPPENING?!!?!??!?
Nikki :)