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Next Day,

Sir!! I want to tell you something urgent....
Gulf entered the cabin and tried to tell the whole blackmailing incident which was happened yesterday as soon as he reached his office.

Wait!! What's wrong with your Mr Kanawut?? Can't you see that am busy in signing the papers right now??

Please sir!! Don't sign those papers, please listen to me first, and after that it's your decision if you Still want to sign them and make this deal?

Fine!! Go on, am listening.
Mew sighed..

Thank you sir, these are some papers and I want you to read them once, I had done alot of research yesterday for whole night about Vachirawat Brothers and those rumours about their quality issue, it's clearly shown here that they are not just selling low quality products but as well as they are also caught as fraudy for fake deals since few years....
Gulf puts that paper on a desk of mew..

So do you think that I can't search for such information? Do you think that am a stupid business man who don't care about his own loss and profits??
Mew started to boil in anger while looking toward gulf.

No sir, that's not what I wanted to say b_but...

Then What Mr Kanawut??

Sir, Your are more experienced person than me and I know am nothing infront of you but please try to read them once and if you don't believe me and these papers then please search about it by yourself and if it'll comes out to be as fake then fire me from my position on the same day....

Do you understand what you are talking about? Do you really want to take this risk?? I'll fire you if this will comes out to be as fake....You may loss your job forever??

I totally know sir what I am talking about, I can take any risk for this company, I had given my everything for the sake of you and your company and am going to do it this time also...

Fine, Mr Kanawut, I'll search for more investigation about it, but remember what you said..

Thank you Sir!!!
As gulf left the cabin with a huge smile on his face, as he was damn sure that his investigation is not going to fail, he had worked on it whole night yesterday after meeting that man to know about Vachirawat Brothers more...

Mr Kanawut, Come into my cabin...
Gulf got a call from mew who was sitting alone in his cabin it was almost 10:27 Pm,no one was there in the office, they both were working on their new project from few days and they were almost late to go home back around 2 pm everyday....

Sure sir!!
Gulf hang the phone and started to move back to the cabin..

Excuse me sir!! Is there something??
Gulf said while seeing the chair which was turned to the back.

Sir,Sirr!!!!! I think maybe sir went to the restroom, I'll come back later.
Gulf murmured to himself.

While turning back he saw a huge figure standing infront of his left side, he saw the face of a man and it was mew, who was standing too close to gulf as both can even hear the heartbeats of each other...

Am Sorry Sir, did I hit you??

No Mr Kanawut, as I want to hit on you?


Actually you were right, those rumours are true, I had underestimated you.
Mew started to move toward gulf and gulf began to move backward to move away from mew, suddenly gulf's back got hitted by a wall behind him.

Why aren't you afraid to take such a big risk? I may have fired you from your job if If it turned out to be a fake..

Not even a single job in this world we can do without taking risk, am working with you since one year, I always wanted to learn everything from you since the first day I saw you, you are passionate and loyal to your work thats what I learnt and did , You are paying me monthly with a full for this and that's what I did in exchange of that...

You are brave enough Gulf, am quiet impress from you,If you don't mind can we both go out someday alone??

Sorry Sir!! My job is only to work for your company and you, hope you'll understand and don't take this on your heart, Will you please excuse me??
Gulf started to find his way so that he can move out of the sight of mew, as he was scared that mew will caught the increasing heartbeat of gulf...

He got out of the cabin and went to his place and sat doing the same thing.

You caught my attention Gulf, I'll definitely take you for outing someday and that's my promise to you....
Mew smirked while looking toward gulf from his side window venetian..

As this was all planned by mew for gulf to check either he is loyal for 
his position or not if he got failed in it then mew was about to fire gulf actually, that's why mew had hired that man to scare gulf to check him, and he always does this with every employee to test them but this time he got something more in return that was gulf's loyalty and his courage toward his job, that's what made mew impressed by gulf, and gulf caught his attention more...

Hello everyone!!! It's the fourth chapter of mewgulf AU ( THOSE ARE MY KIDS).
Hope I'll get alot of support from you, I'll only write the next chapter if I'll get some response, please tell me in the comment box if you want me to write the next chapter, don't forget to vote na kha...


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