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I'll be right back in a minute, I can't breathe here, Am going to take some fresh air, xcuse me!!

Mew went out of the hotel as there was a alot of time for the meeting before that he wanted to take some fresh air.He went into the near by cafeteria as he was tired of drinking those filtered coffee he wanted to drink something different and he saw a cafe nearby,he went there but saw one small girl maybe nearly of 5 yr old was crying loudly cause her knee was scratch and her brother of the same age was consoling her and taking her to their mother.

Hey Princess, what happened? Are you injured? Let me take you to your mother? Where's she?
Mew started to ask that girl some questions.

Don't touch my sister,I am her big brother, I can take her home and take care of her by myself am grown up now...
Her brother got angry and replied mew harshly.

Oo so you are grown up now? But your sister needs to get home as soon as possible and you can't take her alone at home, you are not that much old champ,show me your way to home I'll take you both please my little strong man..

Fine, I'll show you my home but don't complaint about this to my mother or she'll get worried and scold me for not taking care of my sister.

It's a deal between us two old men.
Mew giggled and picked up that girl on his shoulder and started to follow her little brother.They went inside the cafe which was also the home of those kids.

Mommy, I scratched my knee.
That girl shouted while crying as soon as she saw her mom from the door.

Natasha?? What happened my Princess?
Gulf looked back to saw his daughter who was crying in pain.

Mew spoked up as soon as he saw gulf right infront of him, he was shocked cause that girl suddenly called gulf as her mom, he had seen gulf after this much years.

what was he doing here? In this city? Which was far long from bangkok? Why this girl is calling him mom? Is he married? Or are they my kids?
Mew's mind was full of quetionaries.

Gulf was shocked too that seeing mew after so many years, his mind was also  full of questions.
why he's here? Did he found out about alex and natasha? Did he knew that they are his.....

Gulf wanted to ask mew alot of questions and to kick him out of his cafe but right now the most important thing for him was his daughter. He took natasha from the hands of mew and grabbed alex's hand and started to move outside to take her to the hospital.

Don't worry my princess, Momma is with you right now, I'll take you to the hospital, you'll be fine soon.

Mew was still in shocked but still he followed gulf.

After reaching hospital they both went inside by taking natasha and alex with them. Doctor replied that the injury was minor but still she needs to take rest and take care of herself. Gulf called someone and asked to take alex back to home.

Am sorry my angel, Mommy was so busy that I even forgot to take care of you and keep my eyes on you.
Gulf was holding Natasha's hand in his, and was sobbing hard.

Who is their father?? Are you married? Who's your husband? Whom they belong to? Answer me gulf.

I don't have any time to answer you and I don't think so that you can force me to answer you, just go back and stay away from my kids.

Alex stay here, Mommy will be right back don't leave your small sister alone.
Gulf started to move back out of the patient room to receptionist for billing.

MEWGULF....THESE ARE ONLY MY KIDS...#mpreg[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now