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It was a final presentation day everyone was tense and hoping that everyone's effort will not go to vain, because they had worked for this day and night.

Sir, I guess we should leave for the meeting right now, Or we'll be late..
One of the employee said to mew.

Wait,but where's gulf?, let me call him first,why he's not here yet? Hope everything is fine?

Hello mew, please don't wait for me   am not feeling well since morning, please give your best.
Gulf spoke up from the other side of phone.

Gulf, What happened? Is there something serious? Do you want me to send someone to take care of you?

No mew, am fine, it maybe due to lack of sleep I guess, I can go by myself to consult doctor for it.Don't worry about me, Just go for the meeting.

Gulf run back toward the washroom, he was throwing since the morning, he was even feeling nausea, he went to meet the doctor.

What happened my child?

Doc, actually am throwing up since the morning and am even feeling nauseous.

It's ok it happens sometimes, maybe due to indigestion or lack of sleep, let me check you and let's do some tests there might be a food poisoning chances.

They both went to the check up and do some tests for assuring.

Ooo wow that's surprising!!! its only possible in 5 out of 100%  and you are lucky cause your are one of them now.

What are you talking about doc? Please clarify me.

Oo am sorry dear, I'll not make you more suspesious, congratulations you are three months pregnant.

Gulf was shocked his eyes was protruded by hearing it.

It's impossible doc, Am a guy....

I know dear you are a guy, But I already told you that you are one of those 5 lucky people out of 100.And you are not just lucky but you are luckiest cause it's a twin.

Thank you doc, I should leave now.

Gulf went back to home, his hand was on his lower abdomen, his eyes was wet with both happiness.

Is it really possible? Am carrying  the two lives inside me, am I really the luckiest person?
While looking toward the sonogram in his hand showing those twin babies.

But what am going to say to mew? How he'll react? Do he'll accept them? Ofcourse he'll accept them and am damn sure he'll be happier cause he's change now he's not the old one mew who used to hate and rude with everyone, I'll tell this to mew as soon as I meet him.

On the next day,
Gulf started to get ready and pack his stuff to leave for the office, he stood up infront of a mirror and started to look at his belly and caressed it with his hand.

Don't know how your father will react after hearing about you.

As soon as gulf entered the office, mew went toward gulf and started to questioning him while check his whole body by his hand.

Are you okay gulf? What happened to you? Have you went to doctor yesterday? Am so sorry I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to even call you and ask you about how are you?

Mew_ fine. Don't worry about me there's nothing to get worried about now...

Thank god gulf that you are okay, I was worried for you.
Mew kissed gulf and started to move back to his chair.

I want to tell you something mew..

Not now gulf,you should take care of yourself first lemme order some energy drinks for you first, you must be sick now and take a leave for few days.

Mew listen to me first....Mew Am pregnant.

Mew got freezed, he can't believe on his ears what he just heard right now.

You must be joking with me right now? If you are joking just because I didn't called you yesterday because I was busy than I don't like such types of jokes gulf.

Am not joking mew.

Gulf went to mew and hold his hand and put it one his own belly.

Am carrying our kids, our twin kids mew..

Mew pushed gulf and was sweating alot.

Are you crazy? What's wrong with you gulf? What the hell is this? How can this be possible? You are a guy.

I know mew am a guy but am pregnant from you and that's the truth,we can't change it.

I don't care gulf. If you are pregnant or not? I don't want my name into this mess,just get rid of it.

Mess?? They are our kids mew, how can you talk like this like they are nothing to you or they are just a living things.

Because I don't care about it at all, You know that I had always being Caring about my career, my reputation, my company,I don't want this mess to affect my reputation.If this will get leaked outside they it's going to affect my company,my name,my position, and most important our shares.

I don't want to loss this wealth just because of one mistake.

Mistake? You are saying that what we did was just a mistake and this is the result of that mistake? How can you ask me to take lives of our own child,why you are so cruel suddenly mew, think about it these are our kids.
Gulf's eyes was filled with tears he didn't expected that this is how mew will react.

I know gulf, but think about it,I can't ruin my own career,my own reputation by my own hand, Just abort them gulf for me please.
Mew was holding gulf's both the shoulders in his hands and his eyes was looking toward gulf's.

You are right mew, let's just adopt them.
Gulf answered mew without any expression on his face.

Gulf went out of the office and drive back to home, as soon as he went home he shut the door of his room and startef to cry loudly while sitting and laying his back on the door.

I never thought that he'll react like this, I never thought that your own father will react like this after hearing about you, never thought that he'll ask me to adopt you, how come he became this much cruel.
Gulf was crying while holding his belly in hand.

No_ never, I did a mistake by loving him and sacrificing myself to him, but I can't sacrifice my babies for him,not at all, I'll go far away from here,far away from his eyesight where me and my babies will be safe and live a peaceful life.
While wipeing his tears off from his eyes.

Hello everyone!!! It's the eighth chapter of mewgulf AU ( THOSE ARE MY KIDS).
Hope I'll get alot of support from you, I'll only write the next chapter if I'll get some response, please tell me in the comment box if you want me to write the next chapter, don't forget to vote na kha...


MEWGULF....THESE ARE ONLY MY KIDS...#mpreg[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now