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Natasha and alex were playing inside the cafe of gulf and mew sneaked inside to ensure that gulf is not anywhere he was watching his kids from the door, his eyes was filled with tears while seeing them playing like this with each other he was cursing himself for letting gulf go out of his life before few years, for missing this beautiful moments of adoring his kids. Suddenly he came back to the reality from his memories wipped his tears and started to move toward his kids.

Alex, natasha dada bought something for you...

You are not our daddy.
Alex and natasha screamed on mew and started to play again.

Mew was shocked by seeing his kids shouting to him like this.
You got same attitude like you father...

Okay! Then what about this toys now?? I think I have to throw it away now.They are useless for me now.This doll and the motorcycle. So sad of you toys.
Mew tricked them by taking the name of toys.

Toys?? No we want them.
Alex and natasha ran toward mew to snatch those toys from his hands.

Okay! Okay! Let's play together dada will play with you too..

Okay let's go then.
Alex replied to mew.

They all started to play the games inside and they were getting good along with mew.

Alex & Natasha where are you??

Suddenly gulf saw mew playing with their kids.

What are you doing here? Who gave you the permission to come inside? How dare you to be with my kids? Alex, Natasha throw that toys away and come with me inside right now.

Mommy!!!Daddy bought this toys for us, Let us play with it for sometime please.

Daddy?? Who told you that he's your daddy?

I told them that I am their daddy.
Mew interrupted gulf in between.

Who gave you the right to call yourself their dad?

Have you forgot that I filled a case for custody?

I don't believe on that case, they are mine kids and i guess you forgot that i tored up your case paper yesterday in your office infront of you.

That doesn't count, I still have that papers with me and you can't stop me from meeting my kids.

Gulf  grabbed his collar in anger.

Mew, it's enough now. I won't late you meet them , who gave you the right to call yourself a father of them.They too wants to know the answer. Where was their father since these few years? Where were you when you asked me to abort them?, where were you when I was wandering alone with your kids inside me? Where were you when I needed you the most while giving birth to them .I was chocked to death due to breathlessness, I nourished them alone mew, and suddenly after few years after betraying me for so long, Mr mew suppasit is back and claiming that they are his kids. I was used to be idiot to believe you so weak to fight for myself but not again mew, I won't let you harm my kids this time. I'll never let them be like me to trust anyone and get betrayed just like me.

I know gulf, you suffered alot and that's all my fault I was so selfish but now after seeing my kids alive I can't resist myself to stop loving them to care about them to play with them to enjoy every moment with them. I know I was selfish for my benefits,for my reputation, for my company but now I only want one wealth which is my family, my kids and you gulf.
Mew's eyes was filled with tears which was dripping.

MEWGULF....THESE ARE ONLY MY KIDS...#mpreg[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now