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Sir this is for you....
One of office peon put a bouquet of pink roses on the table of gulf while he was bussy doing his work....

Krab?? Who gave you this to hand over to me??

It was sent by sir...

You might be mistaken it, this maybe not for me...

Sir just told me to hand over this to gulf, that's why I gave this to you, I should leave now.

B_But wait!!

I guess he has mistaken it, this must be for someonelse, how come our rude boss Mr Mew Suppasit can gave this to me??
Gulf murmured to himself while looking toward bouquet.

I must return this to him, or he'll get angry for no reason...

Excuse me sir!!
After entering mew's cabin


Gulf....when did he started to call me by my name that also in such a soft tone?? What's gotten into this man??
Gulf again Murmured to himself..

Have you like the roses?? I think you already got them?

Yes....? Yahh roses, actually I was about to ask you that are they really for me?? Like I think peon had mistakenly sent these to me?
Gulf started to put bouquet back to mew's table..

I think you are okay with roses? It's ok if you don't want to come on a outing with me but I don't think so that you can't even accept these beautiful roses from me??  Gulf, am not that much rude as you think I am..These are just a small gift from me for saving us from making a huge loss, this is also not that much enough...

No_ no sir it's not like that, the roses are so beautiful, I loved them...Thank you for this..
Gulf started to move back to his place..

What's gotten into this man? Is he okay? First he asked me for outing, and now these roses, what is he trying to do??
Gulf sat on his chair while looking toward bouquet....

Suddenly he found a card which was hanging on the bouquet..

What's this now??
He started to open it to know what's written on it.

At first I asked you for an outing, but now I would like to go on a date with you...❤️
                                    - Mew Suppasit

Gulf was shock while reading that he couldn't believe his eyes, the one for whom he had fallen for the first time in just a first look was asking him out on a date, he was on cloud nine, as he was already in love with mew at their first meet.....

No, No, this should not happen, I can't go on a date with him, I should mentain some distance from him,I can't match with him anywhere, I should stop myself from fallen in love with him, this is just an attraction.....

After some days,
Gulf had started ignoring mew, he used to go to mew's cabin only when there was work, and avoid talking to him for no reason.
As mew knew that gulf is ignoring him.

One day mew gave gulf alot of work so that he can't go back to home soon before everyone and he'll get some plenty of vacant time to talk with gulf....

Mew whispered near the gulf ears from the back while gulf was sitting on his work Chair, gulf got shivered cause of this..


Mew turns gulf's rotating chair toward himself so that they can talk to each other face to face..

Do you really think that I can't recognise that you are ignoring me??

I_ It_It's not like that sir, actually am bussy nowadays alot due to work...

Ohh Is that so?but I don't think that I had given you alot of work since few days, are you complaining about your boss??
Mew smiled while looking toward gulf..

No_ no sir, absolutely not, it's my job and you are paying me for this.....

But we can take this to higher level we can change our boss and secretary position level to another one...
Mew put his lips near gulf's....

I think am late, I should leave now....
Gulf started to get up and pack his stuff so that he can leave from the office as soon as possible..

Gulf after arriving to home,he layed down on the bed....

No gulf no, you can't, you can't fall for his sweet talks and those looks, you can't, just like there's no comparison between sun and earth, there's also no comparison between mew and gulf...

On the next day evening gulf was about to leave his office by completing his whole work fast, so that yesterday's situation won't happen again...

When suddenly a car stopped infront of him, and the man who was sitting inside it rolled down the car glass.

Gulf come inside, I'll drop you home.
(He had told the driver that he would drive the car today, just as he had seen gulf standing alone in front of the office.)

It's ok sir, I can manage it by myself.
As gulf was trying to maintain as much as distance is possible from mew.

Gulf, stop being stubborn, get in the car fast, i guess it's about to rain soon, the weather is not good.

Gulf entered the car...
As mew moved toward gulf very close so that there's no gap left between them for air to move in between.
There eyes got stuck into each other

Sorry,sir?? Is there something??
Gulf after coming back to his sense

Don't get scared you silly boy, you forgot to Clip your seatbelt,

Ohh thank you sir!!!

Well take this, it's just a small gift for you...
He pulled a bag from the back seat of the car and handed it to him.

I can't take this sir....,

Ooo come on gulf,I already told you last time that those roses are not enough, I wanted to give you something more than that....
Mew winked while looking toward gulf intis his eyes..

Sorry? I didn't get you??

Well am talking about this gift...

Thanks for this, but am not going to accept more than this sir, hope you'll understand me.

I know your self-esteem, fine,this is last,okay?

He started driving, the had talked a bit in between to know about each other more, mew was more interested to know more about gulf so that he can reach him fast.

After reaching gulf's home...

Thank you for the ride sir...

Are you not going to invite your boss to your home, Mr Gulf??,

Ohh am so sorry sir?? Please come in, I thought it's too late you must be late that's why I didn't asked you....

It's ok maybe next time, when you'll invite me specially by yourself, take care good night.

Sure sir, good night,drive safe...

Hello everyone!!! It's the fifth chapter of mewgulf AU ( THOSE ARE MY KIDS).
Hope I'll get alot of support from you, I'll only write the next chapter if I'll get some response, please tell me in the comment box if you want me to write the next chapter, don't forget to vote na kha...


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