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Sir these are some files, Mr Kanawut wants me to send you...
One of the employee placed some files on the desk of mew.

Why? What happened with gulf? Is he ok?

Don't know about that sir, he just asked me to send thess files to you for your next meeting.

Ohk,you may leave now.

Come into my cabin, I want you right here, right now, infront of me.
Mew hanged up the phone

What happened sir? Why did you called me? Is there something urgent? Is there something wrong in thoss files?

Are you alright? Are you sick?
Mew started to check gulf everywhere,he started to check and look over all his body.

Am Ok sir....

Then why didn't you brought that file to me by yourself.


Mew suddenly kissed gulf..

Mhmmmm sir...
Gulf started to free himself from mew's arm but that was impossible like always...

Stop calling me sir when we are alone, and lemme tell you one thing don't let anyone do your work and enter my cabin instead of you, I want you all the time right infront of me,So that I can see you all the time...

It's not good mew,other people will suspect us, if we'll do this and it'll ruin your image..

No one dares to come into my cabin, without my permission. it's final now, you are going to stay and work here right infront of my eyes all the time.

Mew started to kiss gulf on his plump lips he started to give a sudden neck kisses to gulf, Suddenly gulf interrupt mew.

Mew, we should stop now,we have a meeting soon and we need to be prepare for it....

Okay,My Gulf, let's get back to work....

At evening, arriving back from their meeting hall after their huge successful meeting mew got a call and his expression was scary.

Whattttt?? What's wrong with you? How can this be possible within such less time??
Mew shout on a call loudly that even every employee out of his cabin can here him while shouting everyone was frightened and gathered around mew's cabin to check what happened

Mr Suppasit, That's not my part of concern, am just doing my job to conduct our boss's msg to you.

Mew threw his mobile on the ground. By hearing mew while scolding and the crowd around the cabin, gulf got panicked and started to make a path to enter mew's cabin he told everyone not to and he'll ask mew and take care of it.

Mew, what's wrong with you? Why you are scolding? Is there something wrong? Tell me....

Those bastards wants our presentation within two weeks.....

You mean rakkaens? But they had allowed us a month,Why they want it so early suddenly?

Don't know why? But we need to be prepare for it, we need to give our day and night to it gulf, I can't let go of this deal it's a huge deal for us..

Ofcourse mew we'll give our best to it.

Thnks gulf, Thank you so much that I got you beside me to support me.
While taking both the hands of gulf into his and pecking on them.

Don't worry mew, am always there for you and our company.

Some days went easily but still they were not closer enough not even near to 75% percent of their presentation. Only three days were left for the main presentation day.

Gulf, Can we do this at my home, am so tired today, am tired of sitting on this chair, please let's do this after reaching my home.

Sure, if you are tired then let's go.

It was almost 1pm of midnight,they entered the home and got fresh and started to work back.

Gulf,do you wanna eat something? Let's order something for both of us, Cause am damn hungry right now.

Mew, Let me cook....we were both working late night since few days, Eating outside food is not good for our health right now, we'll order it on some other day, let me cook for you.

Are you sure? Can you cook by yourself? Let me wake any servant to help you.

Ahh you are underestimating this one of the most best cook mew, Let them sleep,and let's taste my cooking.
Gulf smirked while looking toward mew and started to move toward the kitchen.

Gulf came out of the kitchen toward mew after sometime.

Mhmmmm? Mew, can you help me to find some ingredients, I can't find them??

Sure, let me try to help you to find them, actually I have never entered my kitchen ever, I don't know how to cook too, that's why I told you to order something.

Both went to the kitchen and started to search some ingredients and gulf started to pour them one after one and mew was looking while smiling toward gulf, and suddenly.


Don't move!! I can't stop myself now gulf.
Mew grabbed the wrist of gulf from the back while he was cooking.

Mew stop it, am cooking right now..

I don't care and I don't want to stop too.
Mew's breathe was high and faster.

Mew, please stop wrecking me.
Gulf was aroused his breathing became faster.

Mew picked up gulf in both of his hand and started to move back to his room while kissing eo continuously.
Mew keep gulf on his bed and started to kiss him all over, on necks, on his those red cheeks, he unwrapped himself and helped gulf to undress him to and turned him on the back side and started to insert his hard cock into his hole hardly.

Mew be gentle, I didn't thought that you are hungry for this.
Gulf was breathing hard and moaning.

Yes and hungry am hungry for you, you made me horny like this gulf, now it's your time to get your punishment.
While fucking his gulf hardly.

I know guys, You all are excited for the next parts but please wait for a bit and have some patience I'll not create more suspense and reveal the next chapters asap am posting one chapter per day but I'll try to post more than one.

Hello everyone!!! It's the seventh chapter of mewgulf AU ( THOSE ARE MY KIDS).
Hope I'll get alot of support from you, I'll only write the next chapter if I'll get some response, please tell me in the comment box if you want me to write the next chapter, don't forget to vote na kha...


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