Chapter 2

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Hermione's POV:

This summer has been an — interesting one. I spent the first half with my parents and that was as normal as ever but the second I got to the Burrow, crazy shit has been happening. First let me just knock out any suspicion, Ron and I are NOT together. When he dated Lavender, I realized things about him and stopped liking him but to contrary opinion people like to believe that I am still infatuated with him. I am NOT. Okay now that we've got that all cleared up let's go over all the things that have changed this summer.

First, I came out as bisexual. (an: this isn't very necessary to the story but it may come up at a later point ;) ifyk what I mean)

Next, Harry came out as gay. I expected it seeing as he's been talking about Cedrics "perfect hair and perfect smile" since fourth year. (an: for the purpose of the story, I'm putting Cedric in the same year as them)

Then, Ron told us he was into someone. He won't tell us who but apparently he doesn't stand a chance.

Also, Ginny and I became friends with Pansy. When Pansy got disowned Molly took her in and we all realized she's actually quite nice. Contrary to what we had believed for most of our school years.

The last big change is that Fred and George have decided to come back and redo their seventh year... This year is going to be an interesting one just like the summer.

Draco's POV:

Today we go to Diagon Alley. Father has stopped caring so he no longer comes with. Mother has just told me that her boyfriend, Matthew Silverstein will be meeting us at the Leaky Cauldron after we finish getting my school requirements.

*time skip to after shopping*

Me and mum are walking into the restaurant when we spot Matthew. He comes up to us with a smile, "Hello love, how was your shopping?" He asks mother. "It was lovely dear, Draco got everything he'll need for his last year." Mum left to go get the drinks.

"That's great, how are you bud?" He asks me. I can tell this is very awkward for him. We have a pretty good relationship but it's always awkward until we start talking.

"I'm doing okay, Matt." I answered curtly. "That's good, how's um—how's your father?" Matt knows about the whole situation with my father and as much as he wants a public relationship, he's okay with waiting until mum is ready.

"He's fine, same as always." I said shortly, not really wanting to be talking about my father.

"How's the girl?" I choked on my own saliva. Matt is the only person who knows of my little infatuation with Gryffindor's princess. "She fine, I assume probably snogging the Weasel as we speak," I shuddered at the thought. "Still thinks I'm the same prick most likely."

The door chime went off, but I didn't pay that much attention, this place is pretty popular.

"Well you just have to show her that you've changed. Don't worry Draco, I'm sure you'll get her eventually." He says as Mum returns with three butter beers.

Hermione's POV:

Diagon is just as busy as ever. After we get our school supplies. The boys and Ginny decide they're going to pop into the quidditch store.

"Hey Pans, do you mind if we stop in Flourish and Blotts?" At that she chuckled, "Of course, 'Mione but afterward can we go to the Leaky Cauldron, I'm quite famished." she answered. "Of course, Pans, I just want to see if there are any books on quidditch." She gasps, "You! Quidditch?!? Hermione don't tell me this is because of a boy."

"No, no of course not Pansy. I just realized it's the one subject I know nothing about and we can't have the brightest witch of her age not knowing something." I replied to which she let out a little "mhm"

After picking out a couple books on quidditch and a first edition, Hogwarts: A History. We set out for  the Leaky Cauldron.

When we entered, the chime went off and my eyes instantly saw that blinding white hair that I've come to fear. It's not the hair itself, the hair is actually quite beautiful; reminding me of snowy mountains, skiing, and the beauty of winter. Like I said, it's not the hair itself, it's the person that comes with it. I would never admit this to anyone but Draco Malfoy is probably the best looking guy I've ever laid my eyes on. If his insides weren't so terrible, maybe just maybe, I would find myself falling. But that's not going to happen because Draco Malfoy is a prick. He will call me a mudblood and spit in my face sneering, "stay clear of my personal space you filthy little mudblood" And then thoughts of him being someone that I could see myself loving will be gone.

But then. Wait a minute. I lock my eyes on his companions. No that can't be right. Is that Matthew? There's no way. Did Draco just laugh?

Matthew Silverstein, muggleborn, he was my guide when I found out I was a witch. He helped me and my parents around Diagon, told me all about Hogwarts, and the wizarding world.

And there he is sitting in a booth. Drinking Butterbeer with Narcissa and Draco Malfoy. Is he holding Narcissa's hand? What is this life. Like I said this summer is very interesting.

Pansy must have seen my confused face because she told me, "Narcissa and Lucius are having problems. He is cheating on her with countless floozies. So she fixed her relationship with her sister, Andromeda Tonks. Then her sister set her up with Matthew. Lucius doesn't know."

"Wow, but he's a muggleborn." I stated calmly. "I don't think Narcissa ever really cared about blood status." She said.

"Oh but what about Draco?" Why am I so interested in this topic?

"Draco is a product of his environment. So whenever he's given an environment where he doesn't have to be mean and hate muggleborns. He'll thrive." She told me, shrugging. "Oh" was all I could muster up.

I began my walk over to their table. "Oh, Hermione I don't think that's a good idea" but I was already convinced and barely heard her.

"Matthew Silverstein" I said confidently. I noticed Draco was still looking at the table. He looked deep in thought and then...

"Hermione Granger. Long time, no see" Matt said coolly.

When Draco heard that his head quickly whipped around and his eyes met mine.

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