Chapter 1

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"Master Draco is required in the sitting room, sir."

"Thanks Toppy."

"Of course sir, it's my job sir."

This summer holiday has been awful. My dad is starting to draft my marriage contract with one of those dimwit Greengrasses. Blaise and Theo are off on some bender and had the bloody audacity not to bring me. Not like father would let me go anyways.

I started my descent down the stairs, towards the sitting room. When I walked in father was sitting in his chair with mother carefully sitting on the arm of his chair. I swear one of these days I'm going to make him pay for treating us like toys to play with however he feels. Of course I would never tell him this but she cheats on him. He deserves it and it's not like he doesn't cheat on her too. Mother is actually in a relationship with someone who treats her well. It's good for her, a nice escape. He's a muggleborn. She had previously fixed her relationship with Aunt 'Dromeda and she fixed her up with a good guy. Nobody knows of me and mothers discrepancies to the Malfoy name. But we are both most definitely going to be considered "blood traitors" when we decide to let it get out.

I met mothers boyfriend last month. He's a nice guy, it makes me feel terrible for the way I've treated muggleborns. I blame Granger, if she wasn't so wonderfully perfect and better than me, I would still be someone my fathers proud of. Oh well, I no longer want his respect.

Hermione Granger. The girl I've been completely enamored with since third year. It's a weird story. Who would believe that the reason someone would fall for a girl is because she punched them.

It's my last year at Hogwarts. I plan to stay out of her way as much as possible. One might ask why i'm not trying to woo her. Well that's because I've already got no chance with her. I don't deserve her, so I plan on staying out of her way and letting her be happy with the Weasel. Salazar, I would be fine if she dated anyone but him. Well, I would still be jealous but he's just so ghastly. Don't get me wrong it has nothing to do with him being practically homeless, it's just him. If she wanted to date a Weasley, why not one that's a bit more put together. One of the twins, the dragon handler one, Percy, even the Weaslette would be fine by me. But the Weasel is outrageous and he doesn't deserve her.

"Draco darling, are you quite alright?" My mothers sweet voice broke me out of my trance.

"Yes mother, I'm fine. What is it that you want, father?"

"Ah yes, Draco. I was just going to let you know that to our unfortune the Greengrass sisters have gone elsewhere for husbands and no longer require our services."

"Oh. Father does that mean I will not be in an arranged marriage?" I said in my causal and calm demeanor but if you focused onto it, you would hear a tinge of hope.

"I will continue looking for a wife for you. But as of the moment, there is no one. The Greengrass sisters are taken and that Parkinson girl has been disowned."

what did he just say "What did Pansy do?"

"Apparently she was found in bed with a filthy mudblood!" me and mother both cringed at that word. But luckily father didn't take notice.

"Oh" was all I said wanting to drop the subject.

After an uncomfortable silence, my mother spoke up. "Draco Dear, we're going to be going to Diagon Alley in the morning."

"Yes, mother"

"Goodnight, dear."

"Goodnight" I said heading back up to my room to fall asleep to thoughts of a certain bushy haired witch.

*hi everyone, this is the first chapter. I'm quite nervous and I was planning on making it longer but I have to go somewhere. I should be updating later today and I hope you enjoyed. As always I love comments so please, please leave me some to read*

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