Chapter 4

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"Mione, come sit with us."

"Okay Pans, just give me a minute."

Today, we go back to Hogwarts. Today, we go home. I'm Head Girl. I mean did anyone doubt that would happen.

I went over to join the Slytherins dragging along Ginny.

"Hey Pans."

"Mione, how are you? And Gin, looking fine as ever."

"I'm good," and then I turned over to the boys in the cabin saying a quick, "and how are you boys doing?"

A chorus of "good" and "fine" were heard except from one blonde headed wizard.

"And Draco, How are you?" I said deciding to single him out, because it's funny. But when he looked up with a surprised face. Almost like he was surprised I was talking to him, my heart instantly felt bad.

"I'm good, thanks for asking." He said as his cold and lifeless exterior returned.

For the next twenty minutes we carried on chatting and bantering until I realized the heads need to talk to the prefects.

I abruptly stood up and said, "Draco, come."
I heard stifled laughter and turned to see Draco staring up at me with big eyes.

"Oh my Godric. You all need to grow up. We have to go check in with the prefects. We're the Heads" I said clearly annoyed.

"Yeah I'm sure you two would love to give each other head."

"Theodore, I swear I will chop off you're balls."

"Mione, Love, How much do I have to pay to get you to start calling me Theo?"

"Let's go Granger." Draco says dragging me out of the compartment with a scowl.

Out in the hallway, Draco has still got his grip on my wrist. And a furious scowl on his face.

"Malfoy, what's wrong?" For some reason this makes his scowl deepen.

"Nothing, let's go." He says once we reach the compartment.


We're at the Great Hall and Professor Mcgonagal is giving the speech. She starts to say something about the returning seventh years, "And for the seventh years we have changed and made a few rules. Number 1 you can sit at whichever table you wish. Number 2 your all allowed in other houses. Number 3 since you are of age you may have alcohol on campus. As long as it stays in your dorm where it's unreachable to younger years. Also no regulations to quidditch have been changed, you may all stay on your houses team just remember you adults and therefore we expect you to act like them. Now, everyone enjoy your food and Heads please make sure the prefects are aware of their jobs after dinner"

Draco's POV:

"Theo Nott. I swear if I thought you wouldn't enjoy it, I would shove your dick so far up your arsehole."

"Hey can't help it if I like a little dick everyone once in a while, mate. But for sake of this delightful conversation. What exactly did I do." He says as he stretches out onto the common rooms couch.

"You know what you did."

"Oh. So that's what this is about. The little thing with Granger this morning. Don't worry mate she's all yours. Speaking of, when are you going to tell her."

"I'm not. That's a secret. It'd be one thing if she found out how in love with her I am. But this secret I will take to my grave."

"Mate. You act like you alived the Dark Lord. This secret is not a big deal if anything maybe it'll be the push she needs to realize how she feels about you."

"Yes but— Wait a minute. I'm not doing this right now. I am not having a sappy feelings talk with you. Ugh this whole conversation pisses me off. Goodbye." and with that I stormed out.

a/n: it's short and more of a filler but it's just to start the story and get the characters acquainted and everything

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