Chapter 8

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TW: abuse (physical and verbal), alcoholism, (It's just the first paragraph that has these three elements so if you don't want to miss anything but can't read those then just skip it)
also tw simp Draco

Draco's POV:
I woke up with a scream. Nightmares. The bane of my existence. I have many different ones. My father abusing me, leaving at all times of hours, him hurting my mom, what he did to me when I came home first year and couldn't stop talking about one certain curly haired witch. But this nightmare was different. I dreamt of him hurting her. He came to the school, drunk, as always. Started yelling at me about how I'm a disgrace to the Malfoy name and that I was infected. When Hermione came down because of the ruckus. He stormed over to her spewing lies, "its all your fault, mudblood." "you are dirt" and "you deserve to die." Before he started choking her. I couldn't get to her, I couldn't save her.

I could feel my face becoming wet, and I was shaking when the door flew open. In came a worried looking Hermione with her curls all over and her wand in front of her, just to find me sitting in my bed with my knees up to my chest crying.

"Draco. What is it? What's happened?" She comes over to my side and sits next to me rubbing my back.

"Just a nightmare." I sound very quiet. I hope she's not too worried.

She gives me a hug and places my head where I let out my last few tears. "Did you want to talk about it."

No, no, no. She can't know about this dream. It's too dark. I don't want to upset her. "No."

She nods understanding. "Alright maybe one day we can talk about it. But for now its three in the morning. So lets go back to bed."

She turns to leave when I reach out and grab her wrist. "Wait. Will you stay with me?" She nods before slipping under the covers.

"Of course."

Hermione's POV:
I'm laying on the other side of the bed away from him because I don't want to intrude on his personal space. Especially after a traumatic dream. He must just need someone here so he doesn't feel alone.

He grunts in disappointment before pulling me over to him. Wrapping his legs and arms around me and placing his head on my chest. Oh. Okay then. He gently fell asleep with a slight snore. Adorable. I put my head on top of his and fell asleep.


Draco's POV:
I woke up to the smell of blueberries surrounding me. And the feeling of- hair? Yes definitely, the feeling of hair all over my face. My hair isn't long. Is there someone in my bed!? I open my eyes to see a certain curly haired witch sleeping above me.
The memories of last night start to rush into my head. The blueberry tarts. The apology. The nightmare. Her consoling me.  And then me asking her to stay...

I didn't expect her to stay the whole night. I didn't expect her to stay at all. She's a masterpiece. Her hair is surrounding her like a halo making all focus drawn to her cute little face. Don't tell her I said that. I don't think she'd take too kindly to me calling her cute... or little. She's not just cute though. I could find a million words to describe her. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Kind. Confident. Ethereal. She's everything and more.

She starts to mumble incoherently before those big brown eyes open and look down at me with a smile.

"Good morning Draco." Salazar. I could get used to this. Imagine waking up to this every morning. She's so beautiful with a smile on her face. I could stare into those eyes for hours and never get bored.

"You didn't have to stay, Granger." She frowned. I feel bad she probably got an awful sleep. I know I dislike sharing my personal space. Well. Unless its her. She can take all of my space for all I care. But I doubt she wants me in her personal space.

Hermione's POV:
I woke up feeling warm and cozy. I love Draco's bed. Maybe I'll sleep in it more often. Sneaky wink. It smells amazing in this room. Like blueberries and mint. Weird combination but it goes well together. Just like we would. But he doesn't feel the same. I mean why would he. Just because he apologized doesn't mean he likes me as a person or even finds me attractive.

I can tell he's awake by his heart beat. I'm starting to learn the differences between his heart rates. I'm screwed.

I opened my eyes and piercing gray met boring brown. Let me tell you about his eyes. They are the most beautiful color. Gray was always just gray until these eyes. Now gray is so much more. It has texture and meaning. I can't look at the color without thinking of him. Its the most beautiful color as long as its on him. I could stare into his eyes forever and never get bored. I smiled at him. "Good morning Draco."

"You didn't have to stay, Granger." Oh. So much for coming back to his bed. He probably doesn't like sharing his space. Stupid Hermione.

"Oh. Okay, I'll leave. Sorry." I should have known better. It's Draco. He could never be into someone like me. I hop out of the bed and turn around to leave.

"Granger, wait don't leave." I turn back around with a frown on my face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I'm glad you stayed, I wanted you too. I just didn't want you to feel like you were obligated to stay with me." Oh, okay then. I guess we're both feeling a little insecure right now.

"Draco, I wanted to stay. You know I wouldn't do anything I didn't want to do."

"But still thank you for staying and comforting me. You didn't have to." This stupid boy. Can't he tell how much I want to be with him. These feelings have hit me very fast. I wish he could feel the same. But it's just me. I guess I will have to win him over with my personality.

"Let's go to breakfast."


Draco's POV:
Granger and I are walking down to the Great Hall... holding hands. I don't know how in Salazar's name I got her to agree. I think i'm just feeling a little touch deprived and needy after last night. People are about to be real confused. But oh well, I don't mind if people think we're dating. And if she doesn't care what they think, then I don't care.

When we enter the Great Hall the door slams with a very loud noise. We are kind of late to breakfast which isn't a great job at being the heads but oh well. At the sound of the noise everyone looks over to us and all eyes widen. Whispers pass through talking about the two "enemies" holding hands. While our friends just stare with smirks plastered on their faces. When we walk over to them we are ambushed with a billion questions. Hermione answers every single one of them by just saying,
"We're just friends." Therefore crushing my heart and will to live. Astronomy tower here I come. But hey at least we're friends.

Everyone sees my face fall and so they all turn back to what they were doing while Granger and I go about our breakfast rounds.


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