Chapter 9

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Draco's POV:
It's been two weeks since that morning. Nothing has happened. Granger has started to act as just my friend. No hand holding. No cuddling. Nothing. And I'm also pretty sure I saw Fred flirting with Theo yesterday. So there's that.

Today Is the first Hogsmeade trip and it's raining. Not like an ugly rain. The pretty ones that smell fresh and clean. The ones that make you want to just sit next to a window with a good book and cuddle with someone.

Hermione and I are going down separately. Because she has a date. Oh yes, I forgot that's something else that has happened. Cormac Mclaggen asked Hermione to Hogsmeade and she for some reason felt inclined to say yes. So I'm stuck walking down with McGonagall and some younger students. I may be a little jealous. Just a tad.


Hermione's POV:
The past two weeks have been hell. I've been trying to avoid Draco as much as I can. I don't want to fall for someone who can't feel the same. I'm trying to protect my heart. I don't want to get my hopes up so I've been pulling away. But my smart idea isn't working out too well. Of all the guys I could choose from, I choose to go with Cormac. I mean I thought I was smart. We've been on our "date" for all of 15 minutes and he's already sexualized me three times and been misogynistic four times. He ordered for me without asking what I wanted. Do you want to know what he ordered? A small salad with low calorie dressing.

Draco never sexualizes me. He's a gentleman and polite. He would never make me feel this way.

All of a sudden the door opens and in walks one Draco Lucius Malfoy, soaking wet. His eyes snap over to me just in time to see Cormac grab my arse. I immediately smack Cormac in the face and Draco storms over to us.

Draco's POV:
I was helping a younger student pay for their stuff when Pansy came into the store and told me I had to get to the Three Broomsticks. I finished up with the student ad rushed over there. The second I walk in my eyes immediately find Granger. Just for me to see Cormac grab her arse. It was at this moment I knew we were about to have a dead man on our hands. All I could see was anger. He touched her, my Hermione, without permission. Without consent. She did not want him to touch her. I know she can take care of herself. I mean I would know just ask my face. I couldn't just not do anything. It was too late, the anger was already taking over.

The second I reach them I move Hermione out of the way. I look down at Cormac.
"What possessed you. What made you think you had the right to touch her. She is not yours. She only belongs to herself. She and only she can give you the permission to touch her and when you touch someone without that agreed upon consent, bad things happen."

"Look, Malfoy. In all due respect stay out of it. It doesn't concern you. We all know you've done worse to her. Right, mate." He smacks my chest. I know he did not just say that to me. I grab him by his throat and lift him a couple inches off the floor.

I lightly laugh, "Look 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦, if you ever- ever touch someone without consent again I will report you to the school board and ministry. And if you ever bother Hermione again, I will kill you." And with that I punch him squarely in the face, knocking him out and drop him. I then storm out and into the rain outside.

Hermione's POV:
Well. I am in love with Draco Malfoy.

And its not because of what he just did for me. It's because that seals in that he has completely become a better person and it should seal that he is to anyone that was there or hears about it. It was also really hot. But don't tell anyone else that. Like literally impregnate me with little Malfoy's.

I ran after him.

"Draco" I yell. He turns around and waits for me to catch up. When I reach him I begin to thank him. "Thank yo-"

"Don't thank me. He deserved it. He should know better that to treat anyone like that, especially you." He's dripping wet. Like his hair is in his face and all I can think about is running my fingers through it. He's breathing very roughly and deeply. Panties equal soaked.

"What do you mean especially me. I'm nothing special." He grunts dissatisfiedly and gets really close to me.

"Don't you understand anything. Hermione you are everything." I gulp. Followed by a few quiet moments with the only noise being his heavy breathing mixed with my high breathing before he breaks the silence. "Can I touch you?" I nod.

"Words. Hermione." Oh Godric. Literally baby daddy material right here.

"Yes." He reaches his hand up before gently wrapping around my throat and putting just the right amount of pressure. Oh my-

He then pushes his face closer to mine our noses gently touching but barely. Then he roughly rasps out his next question. "Can I kiss you?"

I squeak and then silently whisper "Yes." His lips smash into mine and he applies pressure to my throat while we share our first and definitely not our last kiss, if I have anything to say about it. He then breaks apart from my lips and picks me up. He wraps my legs around his waist and puts his arms around me before reattaching our lips. We share our second kiss with rain pouring down on us and I finally get to comb my fingers through his hair. I gently pull at the base of his nape and he makes a little grunt noise before gently placing me down on the ground.

"Everyone's already gone back. We should head to the castle."  We walk back to the castle in silence. Both thinking of what just happened.


Back in the heads dorm we got changed out of our wet clothes and took showers. Separately, unfortunately. After we're all changed and washed up we go down to our couch in front of the fire. We sit next to each other just staring, waiting for someone to break the silence.

I finally say something, "So" I drag out the "o" before asking, "What does this mean?"

"Hermione I've been in love with you for a very long time. It's up to you, this can mean anything you want it to mean." No. He- he cant have loved me.

"Draco, I've always felt something for you, but it recently became more then just attraction. I don't know if I'm ready for a public relationship just yet because I haven't been sure of my feelings very long. But I do want one. Just not yet. Could we be together but just not tell anyone until we know for sure how we feel. Even though, I'm sure its going to be something I want publicly." There I said it. I'm proud of myself. Something I was scared to do and I did it.

"So- We're together. We just don't tell anyone?"

"Yes" I answer hesitantly worried he wont like that.

"Soooo. I can kiss you?" a nod from me "and cuddle you" another nod "and-"

"You're my boyfriend. You can do anything you want, that I'm okay with. Well actually you're not my boyfriend yet. Someone hasn't agreed yet." His eyes light up before he reach out and pulls me into his lap before he locks lips with me again.

"Does that answer you're question?"

"Sort of, you might have to do it again, just so I can be sure." I laugh a little before he kisses me again and we spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and kissing on the couch.

I don't care that I rushed it. I wanted them to be together already. I'm not a slow-burn type of writer. I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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