Natasha's Little part 2

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Natasha's pov

I woke up to the sun streaming into my bedroom. The duvet slightly askew from the direction I put it last night. The warm air wrapping itself around me like a cosy blanket.

I gazed at the ceiling, letting myself wake up a bit more.

Soft snores and noises broke me from my gaze quickly, as I looked to the left of me i see Y/n sleeping soundly with her left leg and arm wrapped around my body. Her head rested gently on my chest and her brown short hair sticking side ways. Cute as ever.

I let her sleep for a little longer knowing that she might be grumpy later if I wake her now.

Wait a minute! She's not my little, my baby! I still need to ask her about that, I'll do that after she wakes up.

-Le time skip-

It's been 1 hour since I woke up and I've just been staring at y/n, the way her body moves as she breathes, her chest moving up and down. The way her head would jolt every few minutes.

I run my fingers through her hair and kiss her head. This woke her up. Damn!

Y/n lifts her head slightly to look at me. Her eyes still have closed and her lips plump and parted. She couldn't look more like a little or adorable.

"Hey baby, did you sleep well" I internally slap my self for that nickname

She just nods her head and hums, laying her head back down but so she can still look at me

Her brown eyes are glazed over with sleep and dry drool slightly smeared over her cheek.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her

"Yeah" she whispers slightly closing her eyes again.

"No no baby, it's wakey wakey time now" I whisper to her and stroke her hair

She hums in response and struggles to keep her eyes open. I move the duvet from both of us and sit up, moving y/n onto my lap so she doesn't have to move and is comfy.

"Hey y/n? I have a question to ask you!" I murmur into her hair, her head rests on my shoulder as she straddles me

"Yeahh" she whispers again

"Do- do you w-want me to be your m-mama? You don't have to answer right now but I just wanted to know?" I hesitated not knowing the answer or if she would want this. Oh god I made a mistake. She must feel uncomfortable now I asked her.

She sits her head off my shoulder still straddling me and nods her head slowly, showing she's shy

"Okay then baby" I am over joyed in pure happiness, I can't believe this cute little thing is my little.

I stand up still holding onto her and walk towards the bath room to get ready for the day. We don't have any missions so it's pretty much a lazy day.

I lift y/n onto the counter top in my bathroom as I brush my teeth. She just stares at me and shuffles a little.

"You okay bubs?" I ask her not knowing if she's okay

"Toi'et" she whispers still unsure about herself

"Okay come on" I lift her off the counter by her armpits and sit her next to the toilet. She stares at me with tears in her eyes.

"No no baby, what the tears. You need to go potty yeah?" I ask her

She nods and mumbles something incoherently, " what was that bubs?"

"help?" She whispers ever so quietly. My heart melted at the soft tone and of course helped her.

I lifted her onto the seat and pulled down her short. She was wearing sweats last night but it was so hot that I changed them for her.

"fank 'ou mama" she says a bit louder whilst going.

"Your welcome, and thank you for manners" I finished brushing my teeth and said to her

Once she and I had finished we moved into the kitchen because we were both hungry, y/n on my hip and looking as cute as ever.
Her red and black shorts clung to her cute butt and her oversized t-shirt which I think is Tony's old ACDC shirt by the faded band logo on the front.

I set her on the stool beside the counter where I'll be making our breakfast. "What do you fancy then baby?" I ask her

She shrugs her shoulders but I notice the evident thinking behind her eyes and follow them to the fridge.

"You want a yogurt huh?" Her eyes light up at my request and shuffles expectantly in her seat

"Alright alright, it's coming" I chuckle as I make my way over to her.

"Here you go bubs, one strawberry yogurt." She grabs the yogurt from my hand and mumbles a thank you behind the mouthful.

I go to the pantry to make myself a PB&J sandwich because they are my favourite.

Once we are finished we go back to my room. We enter my bedroom and y/n lays her head on my shoulder again and let's out a small and quiet yawn.

"You tired again baby, you want to take a nap?" I question her as I begin to bounce her whisky walking around the room. I move her onto my front, so if we were sat down she would be straddling me, and began to pay her bum.

The patting of her bum with the combined bouncing sent her to sleep in no time. Her arms hung loosely around my neck telling me that she is sleep.

I slowly move her towards the bed and lie her down, me shuffling into the bed beside her and moving her body onto mine. She instantly cuddles into me and rests her head in my neck.

I slowly fall sleep myself, listening to the soft noises coming from the cutest person beside me.

I can't believe she's my little, my baby. I'm going to be the best mum I can


I don't know whether or not to continue with this or make it into another book

Thank you tho

Hey baby!!❤️

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