She hurts you N.R part 2

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Your pov

I don't know how long I've been lying here for. It feels like forever honestly, I try so desperately to move anything. Just me finger, just a little. I still can't do anything

The crisp air I can smell indicates it must be morning and the window in open. I can still touch,hear,smell,taste but I can't see. It's so frustrating.

I warm hand breaks me out of my thoughts, I instantly know who that belongs to. Natasha. Oh I would give anything to comfort her right now, tell her I'm okay and I forgive her. To tell her to stop working herself up over it.

Her hand grazes me left and I can feel her playing with me ring, the engagement ring she put on it not that long ago. I feel the beg Dip beside me, I'm assuming she sat down next to me as I can feel her body radiating heat.

"Y/n, I love you so much. Can you wake up for me? Please? A little sign your still in there will do, gosh I'm so sorry. I don't mean for it to happen, I'm so sorry love" she sobs as she kisses my head and rests her head on mine.

With all the strength that I can muster, I focus my energy and try to move something. Focussing on the hand she's holding I feel my index finger slightly bend. I do it again hoping she notices.

Natasha pov

I so badly want her to wake up, I miss her laughter, her giggles, her bed head in the morning and how much of a morning person she really isn't. I just want my baby back.

As I'm sitting on her bed and resting my head upon hers, my hand subconsciously starts stroking her left hand and toys with her ring.

I jump up from the bed and stare at her hand for a moment. No way. She just moved her finger. SHE MOVED HER FINGER!!

"Baby, baby I love you so much. Can you do that for me again? Move your finger for me love, I know you can do it!" I encourage her not breaking my stare from her hand

Ever so slowly her left index finger begins to curl till it curl in on its self. I couldn't be more overjoyed. She can bear me! She's okay! She can get better

"Well done baby, I'm going to get Bruce and we'll see how okay you are alright. I love you so much love" I kiss her head once more before running out of the room.

"BRUCE! TONY! Y/n moved, SHE MOVED HER FINGER!!" I shout into the living room at them before running back to med bay with them on my tail

We make it back to y/ns room and I sit on the chair I have been for the last week. They both come into the room and start assessing her vitals and take out the oxygen tube that was placed in her mouth to help her breath just incase she crashed for some reason.

"Y/n, if you can hear me can you please move your finger again?" Tony asks her as we all watch her hand

Nothing happens. Why isn't anything happening? I look up to Tony and Bruce and they both are confused

"Nat, I thought you said she moved?" Bruce asks confused and checks her vitals again

I just stare dumbfounded at y/ns body. "Y/n please move your finger again baby, I know you can do it for me love" I whisper into her ear

She still doesn't move. I'm getting even more worried now.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see that her nose I slowly scrunching it's self up. I dart my head to look at her flushed face, she didn't have that before, and motion for Bruce and Tony to look too.

A few seconds after I motion for them to look, her eyes slowly open.

Your pov

I can hear voices but I don't know what they are saying and who they are. Confused by this I feel my eyes getting lighter and my nose moving slightly

By my left thigh I felt a sudden movement, that made me open my eyes slowly. My vision was very blurry to begin with but once that ceased I saw three people staring at me dumbfounded.

"Y/n, thank god your okay, I love you so much love. I'm so so so sorry, it will never happen agai-" I cut her off, the red head sat close to my body.

"I'm sorry, who's 'y/n' and who are you guys?" I grumble. My voice hoarse from not using it

"Uh-uh y/n it's m-me, Natasha. Your fiancé" the red head whispers, I can see her eyes filling up with tears and a few stray ones leave her eyes.

The two men excuse themselves from the room saying they need to check some stuff from the lab, when they leave I take a survey of where I am.

A plain white room with white bed sheets and curtains, a blue and green pastel clock is hanging on the wall opposite me and a small TV is sitting in the corner on a oak wood cabinet.

As my eyes scan the room they fall back onto 'Nat' who is sat there sobbing her eyes out staring at my face.

"Love? Why are you crying?" I sit up and cup her face. She stays silent and just stares. Stares at my face looking for a hint of, well , anything

"Y/n?" She asks ever so slowly, like she's afraid I'll vanish into thin air

"Yes love?" I chuckle as she seems to be taken aback slightly

"W-w-what? Did you lose your memory or something?" She asks me as she leans into my touch. Almost unsure.

"No baby, I've been here the whole time" she releases a small breath she much have been hiding and collapses into my hold, she starts sobbing again.

"Hey it's okay, I'm okay. I heard everything you said and I love you so much love. You are the strongest person ink is and I wouldn't want to marry anybody else." I kiss her head as I lay back down; moving the covers over for her to lay down next to me.

"B-but when y-you w-woke up you d-didnt remember m-me" she sobs lightly as she lays down and rests her head on my neck and squeezes me lightly, making sure I'm still there.

" I didn't love, I wanted Tony and Bruce to leave so I can have you to myself without being rude. I love you so much" I mumble into her vibrant red hair, she relaxed instantly.

Natasha pov

I don't know how I got so lucky to have this beautiful, so caring women to be my fiancé, she couldn't be any more perfect, she knows all the right things to say, albeit she is stupid sometimes, but she's so intentive and sensitive.

I'm so glad she woke up and is cuddling me right now, there truly is no place I would rather be then in the arms of my lover.

My forever soulmate



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