Scarlett's little part 2

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Warning:none (although I'm British so if your foreign things will be called different things)

Plus look how cute they are in the picture above ❤️^^

Scarlett's pov

I did get a few weird stares from a couple of people as I was walking home with Y/n in my arms but I just gave them a death stare back. Damn judgy bitches.

Once I made it to my house I struggled with the keys but eventually got the door open, luckily because as soon as I did it started raining buckets.

I soon closed the door, kicked off my shoes, drop the bags off my shoulder. Right as Y/n begins to stir, I rub her back whilst making my way over to the living room to rest because my legs are killing me. I sit down as Y/n opens her eyes.

"Hi baby, did you have a good nap?" I ask her whilst taking off her jacket. She just nods and places her head back into my neck. 5 seconds later she jerks up, eyes wide open searching around the room.

Her eyes stop on mine,"At mummy's howse?" She mumbles. "Yeah bubs, were at my house? Do you like it?" I ask her.

She nods and snuggles into me again,"mummy I ti'ed" she whispers into my ear. "Okay baby, let's go to bed then. We can sleep together if you want AND you can wear mummy's special pajamas?" I say whilst rubbing her back and making my way upstairs.

"Yeah, otay" she replies. She couldn't be any cuter if she tries. We make it to my bedroom and she's already fast asleep, her small and soft snores echo into my ear and her tiny breaths are warm and delicate across my skin.

I talk to her even though she's asleep."Okay baby, I'm just going to get you changed then you can fully sleep okay? Cool." I start by taking off her shoes and socks, her cute little hedgehog socks with hearts on them do melt my heart completely. Surprisingly she doesn't wake up when I take her joggers off. As I do, I notice she's wearing a pull up which I didn't notice earlier. I guess I'll have to buy some. I quickly run to my drawers and get out some PJ's for her and some for myself.

When I get back over to her she has goosebumps covering her lower half, I silently curse myself for not getting the PJ's before changing her. I quickly put the bottoms on her and take her top off. She stirs at that part but I just rub her belly she shush her in hopes of calming her. It does thankfully.

I then put her top on and move her so she's under my winter duvet, since it's recently been getting colder, and put it over her. She cuddles into it instantly. Damn, my baby's adorable.

I quickly change myself and get into bed with her. She lays her head on my chest and wraps her arm around my waist and legs around my own. She so warm and cuddly.

I stroke her hair as to keep her happily asleep and calm. I fall into a deep sleep not that long after. Surrounded by the scent of my bubs and the warmth radiating off her it sleep happily and soundly.

I can't wait what tomorrow may bring


well, idk what to say. Your welcome? Idk

Give me oneshot requests guys👍😁
              ^ (Inspiration of Thor's thumbs up)^

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