Lil baby cubs

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Natasha pov

I was leaning against the kitchen island talking to Alpha Steve and Alpha Carol deciding what to do about mating season beginning in a few days. As the new cubs began to turn into adult wolves they would need to seperate from the pack and mature in a secluded part of the forest just for them.

Whilst we are discussing this matter my Luna, y/n, comes into the kitchen from our room wearing my oversized hoodie and my cute little booty shorts. I must say they look better on her then they do on me.

She wraps her arms around my waist and leans into the front of me, snuggling her head into my chest. Even though I'm about 5'4 y/n is about 5'2 which means she's smaller and I can easily pick her up and is easier to cuddle.

"You alright baby?" I ask her, speaking into her hair as I wrap my arms protectively around her and pull the hoodie down a bit to make sure no one can see her ass. That ass is mine!

"Yeah, just a little icky" she mumbles

"Really? Mating season hasn't started yet, you shouldn't be feeling anything right now." I put my hand on her forehead and she is a little warm

She just grumbles and walks over to the sofa and lays down, not before greeting the other two Alphas. As my Luna it's her duty to attend these meetings but she must have slept in a little, I'll ask her about that later.

~ time skip brought to you by Clint and Loki playing leap frog ~

We must have been stood at the kitchen island for a few hours because the time we broke the meeting it was dark out side and y/n has fallen asleep on the sofa.

"Alright guys, go home and I'll send my beta pepper to give you more information about your matter tomorrow" I say as we make our way over to my front door.

"Night Nat" "Night Alpha Natasha" carol and Steve say as they leave my house.

I turn around after locking the front door and see y/n's hoodie risen a bit on her stomach, her hair is a mess and she is sprawled over the sofa looking rather comfy.

I stare at her for a moment before I decide to move her to our bedroom. I kneel down Infront of her, my red hair loosening from the pony tail I put it in before hand.

Just as I was about to reach my arms around her back and behind her knees, she moves into her side lifting her hoodie up a bit more and whining something.

"Honey?" I whisper to her

"Baby? You alright?" I whisper again but I get nothing in response

"Y/n?" I stroke the hair out of her face as she moves her back slightly grumbling in what seems to be pain.

My confusion sets in, she never told me she was in pain? Did she have a fight with Wanda? How long was she in pain for?

Another whine from her lips broke me out of my thoughts, she turns into her side again and moves her arms to just under her stomach. She opens her eyes slightly to look at me.

"How long have you been sat there?" She asks in a horse voice that I noticed earlier
"Honey? Are you okay, you don't look so good?" I ask her out of timidness

"Yeah I'm fine, just threw up earlier but that nap helped" she never told me she threw up, that's it I'm taking her to bed

"Come one babe, let's get you to bed" I day to her as I reach over to pick her up

"Okay but be careful with me" she whispers and then falls back asleep.

Of course I'm going to be careful with her, she's my baby girl, my Luna. Everything special and important to me I am carrying.

I make it up stairs and into our bedroom where I lay her down on our bed, carefully as she asked. I take her hoodie off and pull the covers over her, I don't want her to get too hot. That's when I notice her stomach.

"Baby? Are you feeling a bit bloated today?" I ask her as I lay down beside her on the bed, staring at her stomach.

"No I don't why?" She asks, voice deep with sleep

"You look like you've eaten lots, I'm not calling you fat don't worry" I tell her, she looks down at her stomach and she notices it is indeed a little bigger then earlier.

"I don't kn-" she cuts her self off as she heaves her self to sit next to me, staring at me in shock

"What? Are you okay? Are you in pain? Y/n talk to me?" I rush out, now really concerned.

She just stares at me and holds one hand to her stomach and one hand begins to cup my face,"y/n what is is?" I'm so confused and worried.

"Nat, baby, don't you realise. When was the last time we had sex?" She asks me, now I'm even more confused. I just stare blankly at her before answering

"Like 3 days ago, why?" She just giggles a bit more and moves my hand over to her stomach.

"Natty, think; we didn't use protection, we went at it 6 times that night, you have a dick for god's sake and you came in me. What does that mean?" Realization floods though my body like a massive tsunami.

"Omg! OMG!! REALLY?! YOUR PREGNANT??" I ask out of complete shock, now realising I was shouting at her

"Yes baby, we're pregnant" she giggled and pulls me I to a loving kiss. I return the favour and pull away, now putting both hands on her stomach.

I laugh quietly and look into her eyes, giving her s loving stare. " I love you so much honey" and I kiss her again

"I love you too baby" she murmurs against my lips. I can't believe my family is coming, I can't believe I'm having a family with the love of my life.

I now realise why she has a bump now, we're wolves and the gestation period for wolves is only 3 months, I can't wait.

My wee little cubs are going to be the best, and be taught by the most feared, badass alpha out there. With of course my loving wife's caring and stupid, weird side to them too.


I know it takes me a while to update, sorry bout that

But hey, I'll do a part two if this needs one or if y'all thinks it'll fit.

Have fun xx

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