The wedding no-one wanted

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Sorry for being away for god knows how long, but let's get back into it.

Bridesmaid Nat x Bride Y/n

Warning: A little sad


~Reader pov~

Tight, tedious corsets I wear everyday become the bane of my life. The male privilege I am to succeeded to attract force upon me by a life I didn't choose.

The lace embroidery sewn delicately to the bodice of the only symbol I'm left with.


My beautiful dress, cut and carved to fit my body, layered with tulle and patriarchy. The soft scent of cinnamon, mulled wine and oak pull me out of my daze as Nat runs her fingers through my hair.

I meet her eyes in the reflection of the mirror. Her once straight red hair is put into a curled pony tail with a few plaits. She's wearing a burgundy tight dress down to her feet, with a slit in the left side all the way up till her hip.

I can see she isn't wearing any panties, her snowy skin taunting me to kiss and mark her all over.

I flick me eyes back to hers, the green in hers a perfect match for mine.

"Are you sure you want to marry him?" Her questions poses a tough reply. She waits patiently behind me, I can see the longing in her eyes though. The need to know for the final time.

"You know what my answer is Nat. You know what my Dad would do if I don't" I gulp and stand up as I answer her. She moves back to give me room but not by much.

She places her hands on my hips and pushes me against my dressing table behind me, her lips close to mine and eyes still in contact.

"I could give you so much more then him, my title is stronger, I'm more wealthy and I could make you feel so. Damn. Good."  She says as she raises her knee to my centre. Teasing me, taunting me to let her have her way.

My eyes close briefly at the sensation, she does know how to rile me up. Her hands grip my hips tighter as she kisses my neck, slowly getting harder as she finds my sweet spot.

"Fuck, you taste so good." She whispers against my skin, her nose rubbing against my pulse point taking in my scent. "And you smell so god-damn good too, I bet Steve doesn't appreciate you like I do"

At the mention of Steve, I snap out of the paradise like daze she sent me to. I open my eyes again and look into her gorgeous eyes.

"You know how badly I want that, but I have already agreed to marry Steve" the mention of her best friend out of my mouth makes Natasha roll her eyes. "Natasha, I can't back out now. It's too late"

At this Natasha takes her knee away and stands back up straight again. I follow her lead, I turn around and look into the mirror again, fixing me dress.

I can feel Natasha behind me getting a little closer. Suddenly it's like something snaps in her head. She kicks away the stool I was once sat on and it clatters to the ground behind her.

"Natasha? What are doing?" I ask as I turn to face her, but before I can she spins be back around and into the dressing table once again.

"Shhhhh detka, I know I can't have you. But I will soon." At this statement I get a little stunned, I have no time to think about that as Nat says "but now, I wanna feel what was once mine. And I'm going to start here"

Nat has her hands on my hips again, but not for long, they both move lower down as she kisses my neck once again. She squeezes my ass cheeks and bites down into my collarbone making a moan leave my mouth

"Uhhhh, fuck Nat" I say semi loudly into her ear. She pressed her body further into mine as she continues to caress my ass.

"Oh I know detka, your ass is your weakness isn't it. I know everything, every little soft spot" she mutters into my ear as I lean my head back.

"Especially this one..." She says as she slaps my right ass cheek hard. And once again. She tuts as I moan loudly.

"Uhhhhh" i can't help it, it's so addicting to have her all over me and showing me such pleasures.

"I so wish I could take this further baby, but don't worry. I will do later. But now, you've got to marry Mr Captain America." She pulls away as she says this and make my back so cold without her tough.

I can hear the disappointment in her voice and the sadness on her face. She usually has such a cold facade around everybody. But with me, she has eventually let down every single barrier.

I turn back around once again to face her, my face now matching hers. I reach my hand forward and put a price of her perfect hair back behind her ear.

"I'm sorry Natty" I whisper as a tear falls. I try to hold as much back as I can but that one sneaks through.

"It's okay detka, I'll always love you. Mrs Rogers or not" her tone gets quiet towards the end, almost silent as if she doesn't want to say it at all.

I wouldn't either, secret is, I've always been gay. Extremely gay, but my family wouldn't have any of that. But Nat, she accepted it and made me fall in love with her.

"You'll be at the ceremony right?" I ask. She holds a small smile against her face as she makes her way out of my room.

"Of course, I've got to see my best girl walk down the isle, whether I'm at the end waiting for her or not" she faces me when she says this, it breaks my heart to see her like this.

"I'm sorry Natty, I'll make it up to you somehow. You know I will." I smile softly to her as I kiss her cheek. She hums in response.

As she makes her way out my door and down the hallway she turns back and blows me a kiss.

I return it as a gesture to the signal that we have always done since childhood. She would always be my red head and I, her best girl.

I head back into my room and close the door behind me, feeling regret course though my veins. I lean my head back against the door before walking over to my bed and sitting down

The duvet creases to my shape as I sit and creaks under the weight. Another year makes its way down my face and drops on the floor.

I look to my right and reach under my pillow.

A small silver dagger that used to belong to what wine and only black widow, I stole it years ago. I know she knows that I still have it.

It was once used for killing enemies that got in her way of loving me. Anything that stood in our way of being together would meet the fate of the dagger.

It wouldnt hurt to use it one more time would it?

I hide the dagger in a sheath under my dress, waiting for the perfect time to use it.

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