"The appearances of things are deceptive."

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Natasha x reader

Warning: none at all

loves you lots guys, please read more i'm struggling on motivation right now


I so badly want to hold your hand as we walk down streets late at night, however you always seem to brush the idea away anytime I seem to get a little too close. I couldn't be in more pain when you do that, the mixed signals you're sending me are making me dizzy. One night we're watching 'labyrinth' cuddled up on your bed, your delicate and cooling hand rubbing my side as I lean into you and rest my head on your chest hearing your gentle heart beat, the next we're bickering over the smallest of decisions and you pull your body away when I brush you slightly.

It's honestly giving me whiplash. However, it makes my heart soar when you want to spend time with me and only me. The fact that you would want me out of everybody you know to stay with you on weekends and help look after your sister is a massive deal to me, i hope it is for you too. I know how much she means to you and that you can get protective of her means that you trust me all that much more.

I think about you all the time, you know. When I listen to my music, I think of suggestions for you or songs you would approve of. When I'm sitting in my bedroom and wishing that I was in yours, having more fun than ever. And especially when i'm sleeping next to you at night at sleepovers we have every weekend, i wish i could turn over and hug you as I sleep, it's all I hope for.

Maybe if i put this into the universe it might come true, that's just silly though. But when you sing and make fun of your own voice when you don't think you can sing well that day makes me smile as i know you sound heavenly. I really do! Nothing could get better in that moment as you really are singing just for me, I couldn't hope for anything better as I stare into your iridescent green eyes that hold so much in them, I just hope sometimes you would let some of that out when i'm around more often.

When I listen to songs that you show to me all the time, I feel like you're with me singing along in the background or making comments to listen to a specific part of the song as that is your favourite part. The concentration on your face when you try to find a song you know i love or when you write a song and your hope i like it is beautiful. I still wouldn't dare say this to your face but I will get the courage one day. One day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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