An offer i could never refuse

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Natasha x Reader

Warning: non, just pure fluff folks

Just enjoy my darlings


Y/N's pov

Nat's perfect green shaded eyes catch my own from across the living room. Here we are, laying against Tony's beige coloured sofas with not a care in the world. Nat strums delicately on her acoustic guitar, making up different tunes and humming along to them, trying to strike up lyrics that could possibly fit. She doesn't know it yet but that simple, domestic action pulls my attention and I can't look away, and my mind starts to wonder.

What type of lyrics are reeling through her mind? Are they of me? Of course they're not, don't be silly, but I still don't throw the thought out the window in a hurry. Instead I dwell on the idea, the idea of her making a song up just for me, simple lyrics that could describe my personality, looks or moods, the lyrics that would solely come from her and her only. Nat's own point of view about me. Oh what I would give to hear that.

However, I snap myself out of the daze as Nat begin to sing, 'Caroline', my absolute favourite song of hers. I don't understand how Nat has the ability to make up songs on the spot like this but I certainly am not complaining. How she laughs in between some lyrics and slightly stumble on the chords make me giggle a little, the simple gesture of a new song she's made and wants to show me really warms me. I catch her eyes again, we make eye contact for a few seconds till one of us has to look away, most of the time Nat as i could stare all day and get lost in her beautiful eyes. Would I ever tell Nat that though? Absolutely not

I sit up on the comfy as hell sofa so I can get a better look at the positioning of her mouth, even though I can hear her clearly, watching Nat's words helps me memorise the lyrics so I can sing along one day and share the song with her. How does she transfix me in such a way where I can get lost again? What I'm getting lost in thought about though is another problem as I'll never know; could it be as simple as the shade of her eyes, the clothes she choose to wear that day, the same style of her hair even though it's effortlessly perfect and Nat? I'll still never know

How can Nat sing so freely and find the right words that rhyme and coordinate each other so well. It baffles me but I still won't tell her this in fear that she'll reject the idea that she is indeed perfect, even with the jumbled amount of thoughts in her mind and the passing feeling every now and then of being watched. Still absolutely perfect in my eyes; the ones she stares at occasionally when we are talking or when she's strumming on her guitar like now and we sing together.

I see that too, the little glances when someone makes a funny joke that she already said but still laughs anyway to make them feel included or the side glances when she does something embarrassing and hopes no one saw it, however I always saw and so we laughed about it anyway and confused the others completely. Those were the funniest of days I'll admit, the ones where something unintentional happens and everyone gets a good laugh in, but mostly you, Nat

Getting to the chorus of 'Caroline', I zone back in enough to hear the high notes Nat tries to sing, no matter how much she protests about how she made it for someone else's voice, such as Billie Eilish, i still want to hear no other voice sing it then hers. An angel herself crafted her ability to sing i swear, she may not hear it often from others but she will from me i swear by it. This song is so addicting I can get lost in it for days on end, it commonly becomes my shower song after hearing it a few times. But it simply shows her talent as she was able to make an impact on my mind and ingratiate yourself within it.

Later on in the day when we are getting more tired and lost in the conversation, more stipulation arises as to our own thoughts and feelings about each other. Not knowing if this was a joke or not i kindly responded with, "you to go first" with what she wants to say so i can base my answer off of hers, horrible i know but i don't want to embarrass myself and say the wrong thing, i don't want to be honest but i don't want to fully lie to Nat. Where does the line end, i don't know

Sharing a small space and duvet in the middle of your bed now, reminds me of the strangely intimate position we're in, however that doesn't bother me as I lay in waiting for Nat's response. Hearing her say, "give me second" as she gathers her thoughts makes my nerves go on edge, if that was me i would say the first things that come to mind,

"Why didn't you kiss me when i stroked your face as you fell asleep,

Where did your mind go as you closed your eyes, were you thinking of me,

Was the world outside to much to keep you awake, so you can fall in deep,

When can i see your blue eyes again, so i can imagine what our life could be"

But I hold my tongue, and await her reply. It feels like years till she brings her head back up from where she was resting it against the head board of the bed, Nat stares at me again, this time with a look of mischief as she responds, "I do like you Y/n, i have some feelings for you and if you have the same for me then we can see where this could go? But only if you're comfortable and I don't want you getting the wrong impression". My heart couldn't be beating any faster then in that moment, how did this happen again?

Before Nat could question why I wasn't responding I began to speak, "I do have feelings for you too, i liked you for a while now but I didn't want to say anything or get the wrong impression as to if you don't like me back." I gushed out too quickly for my liking as the pressure of the situation as now got to me. My cheeks heat up as I look away for a brief moment to gather myself until I can look back at Nat with reddened cheeks. 

Still smirking at me, Nat begins to slowly lean in. Taking the hint i slowly do the same closing my eyes as i do, i pause as i feel her soft hand touch against my cheek and open my eyes. Nat is looking right into my eyes, not even an inch in front of my face. I can feel her warm breath on my lips and i can see her pupils are already dilated, "I'm going to remember this moment forever" she finally says after a minute of staring and finally leans in. 

Just as she is about to make contact with my lips i pull away and open my eyes to be met with the nervous ones of Nat's, "I've never done this before" i mumble embarrassed into the dark room, staring directly at Nat. I'm so nervous because i really don't want to mess this up. 

"Close your eyes" Nat whispers to me. I look up briefly and catch a warm smile that rests on her face before i do as she says. Closing my eyes now her hand that was on my cheeks rubs gently before making its way to the back of my neck, her other hand cups my cheek so gently i could crumple. Her breath gets closer and more heavy as she finally makes contact with me, the warm, soft pillows that are her lips push delicately on mine, her hands guiding which way my head goes as she slowly pulls away. "You're doing so very good, Detka" 

I melt i her hold and hide my face in her neck, "That was the best kiss I've ever had" i mumble into her skin as she shifts on further down the bed so we can be resting and snuggled closer together. I don't miss the opportunity to kiss her neck as she kisses my head. "I'm glad Detka, you deserve the best. Now go to sleep and we can continue when we wake again" she whispers into my ear before kissing the outer shell of it and rubbing my back.

This sends me off to sleep super quickly, and i fall into a deep sleep in the safe arms of my love

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