Lil baby cubs part 2

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Your pov

Month 1

Nat has been keeping an eye on me alot more, which I'm really grateful for. Whether I'm in our house, the meeting cabin, the woods near by or even in our little mini garden out the front of our house. Either she or pepper(her beta) would be keeping a very close eye on me.

I didn't really mind it as they didn't invade my personal space or annoy me too much.

When Nat has to go to a meeting with Alpha Steve and Carol she will have me either be sitting in her chair at the head of the table while she stands either beside me or infront of me, or I'll be sat on the sofa in the corner if I'm too tired or my back hurts too much.

The little things she does for me really do make my heart swell with love and adoration

Nat pov

Y/n is so cute whilst pregnant, I couldn't be more overjoyed that she is carrying my baby, my little pup. Recently I have noticed she has been a bit more slower then usual, physically I mean. She would sit down a bit slower and be more aware of the seating arrangement in a room whilst entering.

That's why I made sure to keep a sofa in the meeting room and to have her sit on my chair during s meeting.

It's about 2:00pm right now, I'm watching TV in mine and y/n's house when pepper comes rushing into the room with two other wolves behind her, Tony and Clint.

"What's wrong?" My alpha mode kicks in straight away, already assessing the situation

Pepper gasps for air before moving out of the way to see... Tony and cling carrying a bloody y/n. WAIT WHAT!!!!

"OMG! BABY!!, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" I shout as I reach for her and living her gently into my arms and laying her on the sofa, pepper runs to the kitchen and wets a towel before giving it to me.

"We were on patrol when we heard a deep growl from along the border, we went to investigate but then we heard a scream from behind us, then we- we..." Clint rushes out and Tony finishes for him

"We saw y/n being dragged by one of the vampires that keep lurking in our territory, we fought and killed it off but not before it could swipe y/n in the leg and arm." Tony finishes. We are all crouched down beside y/n and I am putting pressure on her right leg while pepper is attending to her upper left arm.

"My poor baby! I want more patrol stations on the west side of the border and more volunteers to be trained as while as possible to make sure this doesn't happen to any body else."

Tony and Clint nod as they walk out of the house, Clint tries to peck y/n on the forehead but I growl at him and put a protective arm covering her face. They both leave me and pepper alone.

She looks quite pale now, omg the baby!!

"Pepper can you call a doctor now! I need them to check on the baby" I rush out frantically, I move my free hand to hold y/n's other gaping wound in her arm.

Time skip

The paramedics checked y/n over and said she should be fine and that there was no damage to the baby, thank god. They stitched her up and now she's laying in our bed with her head on my chest and her baby bump resting on my stomach.

I stroke her hair, and kiss her head. I see out of the corner of my eye her eyes beginning to open.

"Hey baby, you feeling okay? Anything hurt? The baby moving or anything? Are you uncomfort-?" She cuts off my questions to a quick peck to my lips and an "I'm okay baby" that's all I've ever wanted to here

I really do need to know what happened to her, which vampire did this and why. Why specifically on my Luna, the alphas Luna and not anyone elses. This shall remain a mystery to me.

Your pov

I woke up to a warm embrace cuddling me from the side, a soothing sensation along my head and warm kisses on my face.

I open my eyes to meet Natasha's warm bright green orbs staring back at me with love,worry and confusion. I can tell she's trying to decifer what happened. I don't even know myself.

She starts to ramble and it's hurting my head a little since I think I banged it a bit too hard. I stop her with a kiss on the lips and reasurring her by saying "I'm okay baby" that seemed to calm her enough.

I reach my hand down and rest it on my small baby bump, rubbing against Nats stomach, I can tell she likes it.

I'm feeling sleepy again so I rest my head back on her chest and close my eyes, not before sniffing her calming scent she lets off, the only scent she lets off for me because I'm her Luna. The smell of pine trees, honey and arousal. God do I love her.

If I wasn't pregnant she would probably be fucking me into the mattress and a rough pace and not slowing down, the tormenting pleasure I would be recieving would let anybody know I'm hers and she's mine. That and the loud pornographic moans I would be making.

Nats pov

She lays her head back on my chest and I can tell she tired.

"Your tired baby?" I ask her smoothly into her hair

She just nods and moves her body impossibly closer to mine. I wrap my arm that around her tighter assuring her I have her and that nothing will ever hurt her.

I kiss her head as she drifts off to sleep, I not long after as I have had a rough time not knowing if she's going to wake up and if the baby would be okay, I now knowing it is, I can sleep in peace with my wife in my arms, safe and home


sorry I am absolutely rubbish at updating, I wash thinking of doing this for each 3 months y/ns going to be pregnant for, to max out how fluffy and protective Nat can be

Hope you enjoyed this one, and I have no WiFi for a few days so might be slow updates, just keep checking

Have fun xx

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