She hurts you N.R

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Your pov

You were training with Natasha like normal. She was pinning you down like normal. And you were losing again, like normal.

All of a sudden your mine wanders to what you and Nat might do later, movie? Netflix and chill? Order pizza and lounge about?

Your thoughts get interrupted by a sharp pain flooding though your head, you are plunged into darkness. The last thing you hear are the shouts from Natasha as she runs towards you, then nothing.

Natasha pov

Y/n and I are sparring, I keep winning like always but she seems a little off. I brush it off as she just got distracted and decide to take this opportunity.

I roundhouse kick her to the head thinking she was going to block it like she does but instead she just stares at me whilst my foot flys to her face.

I hit her temple dead on, slightly proud for the accuracy, but stop dead in my tracks. Y/n doesn't react she just grunts and falls to the floor unconscious.

I shout her name as I try and catch her before she hits her head even further. I make it just in time as she is lying limp in my arms.

"STEVE! TONY! GET HERE NOW!!!" I scream as loud as I can hoping they can hear me.

Not even 10 seconds later 3 pairs of footsteps come rushing into the training room. Steve, tony and Wanda.

"Please help her. I-i don't know what happened. Sh-she didn't block my kick, an-and-" Steve cut me off from my sobbing and spoke gently to me

"Nat it's okay, we'll take her to med bay and keep an eye on her" he said as he went to pick her up but I stopped him

"No don't, it's easier if Wanda does it. It's smoother for Y/n if she just floats" I look at Wanda for confirmation as she uses her magic to lift y/n out of my arms

Tony looks at y/n's head as we walk to med bay. I feel nothing but guilt on the way. Why hasn't she woken up yet?

"Hey, she's going to be okay!" Steve whispers to me as he puts an arm around my shoulder comfortingly.

I just nod as I stare at y/n making sure no one gets to close but Tony and that she doesn't bump into anything, not that I'm doubting Wanda.

We reach med bay as y/n starts to wake up. She stirs as Wanda gently places her on the bed and kisses her hand. The three of them leave the room after giving me comforting looks.

"Hey baby, I'm so so so sorry. I thought you were going to block my kick. Why didn't you?" I ask her as her eyes open slightly and I place my hand onto hers and sit in the seat beside her bed.

"I-i was thinking a-about our d-date tonight" she whispers whilst squinting in pain. She grunts as she moves her hand away from mine and grabs her head.

"I'm going to get Tony and Bruce" I say as I'm getting up, eyes not leaving y/n. Concern and worry are evident in my voice.

Y/n grunts once more before her face falls and her hands drop from her head going limp on the bed beside her.

"Y/n? Y/N!!" I shout loud enough that Both Tony and Steve come running back in

"Y/N wake up! Please?" I shake her gently by the shoulders as Tony makes his way over to her head to examine it again.

"Natasha she needs to be tested properly when she wakes up, she could have a concussion (idk what the symptoms are sorry)

I just nod and comfort y/n, even though she's unconscious, by stroking her face and hair.

Tony and Steve leave again but make sure to leave the door open and stay close by. I sit in the same seat I was before and hold her hand. Stroking her bruised knuckles lightly then kissing them

I lay my head on her left leg and murmur "I'm so sorry y/n, please forgive me. I love you so much" I kiss the ring on her left hand hoping she'll still be okay before the wedding.

I fall asleep in that chair waiting for her to wake up again.

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