Scarlett's Little

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Scarlett's pov

I walked into a small cafe near my house in L.A. The small and quaint coffee shop fits my aesthetic perfectly. The hanging seats in each corner and the vibrant vines hanging behind the bar to the right. The small cashier desk in the middle with a cute little menu stand makes me happy in the slightest way.

As I ordered my latte with extra cream and a dash of chocolate sprinkles on top, I sat down on a small chair near the entrance eventually noticing that there was one other person in the Cafe with me

Across the small room was a brown haired girl, she looked around 28 but had a young face. She was wearing navy blue joggers and a small grey top, just covering her belly button. Her hair was tied into a small pony tail on the back of her head and....

I just realised I was staring at her. Without tearing my eyes away I stood up from my chair and went over to her.

"Hi" I said as I sat down opposite her. She seemed slightly scared at first but when she looked up she relaxed ever so slowly.

"Hello" she mumbled

" Are you okay? You seem a little on edge" I said slightly in a lower tone to her noticing her uncomfortability.

"Yeah, im-im okay" she stuttered over her words

"latte for Scarlett!" The barista calls out

I stand up to get my drink and thank the lady. When I turn around I see the brown haired girl squirming in her seat and pulling something round from her pocket.

I make my way back over to her and sit back down. I startle her and she looks at me worried. I also notice her pupils have gotten a bit larger then the last time and her lip is quivering.

"Hey, hey u alright?" I ask her and reach over the table to touch her hand

She follows my hand with her eyes and when I make contact with her the meets my eyes with her's, her lip quivering more.

"Yeah, I'm o-otay" she whispers and stutters whilst messing up her speech

"Honey what's wrong?" I'm concerned because she seems almost out of it

"My-my mummy left m-me" she whispers again slightly choking up her words, eyes tearing up with tears

She's a little? Of course she is, it all makes sense now. The squirming, the whispering, the secret object in her hand, the tears.

"Oh baby, it's okay" I stand from my chair and make my way over to her and kneel down in front of her.

"Can I pick you up?" I hesitate to ask. She looks over to the barista to notice she's gone out back. She nods and leans into me a little.

I pick her up and wrap her legs around my waist, she wraps her arms around me neck and pushes her head into my neck hiding her face.

"Hey darling? What's your name?" I ask her  forgetting to ask her earlier.

"Y/n" she mumbles just loud enough for me to hear

"That's a really lovely name darling" I whisper to her,Bouncing her slightly side to side trying to calm her.

"Mama" she mumbles again, this time quieter but I could still hear her.

"Awww darling, you want me to be your mama? Yeah?" I kiss her head still bouncing her. My coat slightly catching on her legs around my waist.

She nods and burys her head further into my neck for comfort.

"Okay baby girl, I got you" I move over to her chair and pick up her bag that she had laying over the arm of the chair. I swung the strap of the bag over my shoulder making sure not to disrupt her.

I pick up my bag and put it on the opposite shoulder to hers. Still bouncing her I make my way out of the cafe and down the path towards my house.

"Mama nooo" she whines into my neck now facing towards me. "Hey it's okay, I'm taking you back to my house"

"Otay" she lets out a cute small yawn as we make our way along the path. Still holding her I make sure that she's comfy and kiss her temple

I can't wait for her to fall asleep in my arms and see her in cute PJ's that I give her.

She's going to be the cutest, perfect little ever.


Shall I do a part 2 of this too??

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