District 1 Reaping (15)

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Gem Sparkle POV

"I don't want to!" I scream at my sister

"I don't care. I won the games when I was 15, now it's your turn to win the games!" She screams back

"What if I don't volunteer?" I mock

"Then find a new place to live other than my house in victors village." She screams

"Fine." I mumble

I have nowhere else to go. I have friends but I'm sure that they don't like me. Nobody likes me.

Just because my sister won the games when she was 15, 5 years ago doesn't mean that I have to volunteer.

"Also, district 1 is the only district to not have a victor yet in the 500th hunger games!" She shouts "You can win!"

"Whatever." I say and storm out to the reaping.

When I get to the reaping they prick my finger and I stand with all the other girls.

The escort, Michelle walks on stage. She is wearing bright purple clothing and purple makeup. Apparently purple is the 'in' colour right now in the Capitol.

"Hello and welcome district 1." She squeals

"Let's start off by reaping the female tribute." She says

"Actually I have an idea!" She shouts

"Any Volunteers?" She asks

Two girls raise their hands and sprint to the stage.

"Great we have two females." Says the escort

"Now, you two will fight, right here on the stage! Whoever is left alive at the end of the battle will go into the games!" Shouts the escort

"First off, what are your names?" Asks the escort

"I'm Alina Green." Says one girl

"I'm Abby Turbine." Says the other girl

I look back and see my sister looking disappointed at me.

Abby Turbine POV

"What weapons would the to of you like?" Asks the escort

"I want an axe!" I shout

"A mace." Says Alina

"Avoxes!" Shouts the escort and two avoxs bring out our weapons.

The escort back up behind the stage.

"Go!" Shouts the escort

I instantly jump up and run towards Alina swinging my axe. She jumps out of the way and swings her mace. I drop to the stage and the mace swings above me. I jump up and swing my axe at her. The axe sticks into her arm and she screams in pain. But she swings her mace and it crashes into my head. I collapse to the ground holding my axe. Alina looks happy she won. But using my last bit of energy I stand up swing the axe into Alina's back. She drops dead on the stage. I collapse to the ground and everything goes black.

Gem Sparkle POV

Oh my...

"Well.. Umm... This didn't go as plan." Says the escort motioning for the peacekeeper to come take the two dead bodies.

"So let's just do this over again." Says the escort

"Ladies first!" Shouts the escort

No! Now I have to volunteer again.

"I VOLUNTEER! I yell and run up to the stage. I try not to step in any blood.

"My name is Gem Sparkle." I say

"Very well! Now let's reap our male tribute." Says the escort


"I VOLUNTEER!" Shout a boy. He has black hair and blue eyes. He is also wearing glasses.

"My name is Zach Massy and I'm going to win!" Shouts Zach

"Give it up for Zach Massy and Gem Sparkle." Says the escort


Sorry for the crappy chapter....

I had no idea what to do for this chapter.

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