The Scores

108 12 3


I think I aced my private session. I showed them my awesome skills with a sword. I'm pretty sure I'll get the highest score. Our escort and mentor sit beside me and Candice and the T.V. pops on.

"Hello, the tributes have done their private sessions and the game makers have given them their scores."

"From district 1, Pearl Mckenzie with a score of 10 and Leo Mckenzie with a score of 10. The twins are gonna be strong competitors!"

"From district 2, Candice Terry with a score of 9 and Taylor Saint with a score of 10. Very similar to what the careers normally get."

Well that's not bad. I got the same score as Pearl and Leo.

"From district 3, Ayanna Marsh with a score of 8 and Oliver Hayes with a score of 3. Looks like somebody didn't do to well."

"From district 4, Elli Ottere with a score of 9 and Sherman Pratt with a score of 9. I'm surprised Sherman didn't get higher, he seemed tough."

"From district 5, Ryann McGreene with a score of 7 and Roland Keep with a score of 8. I'm looking toward to seeing these two in the arena!"

"In district 6, Angelina Ellison with a score of... What, a score of 12! Give a round of applause for Angelina! And also Randy Sandoval with a score of 6."

How could Angelina get a perfect 12! I only got a 10! I think back and remember her at the poison station. She must have done something with poison.

"In district 7, Marsha Schmidt with a score of 7 and Angus Stone with a score of 8."

"From district 8, Molly Malone with a score of 11. Well done Molly. Also Trent Wright with a score of 8."

"In district 9, Gracelyn Blaide with a score of 7 and Daren Mendez with a score of 5. District 9 tributes aren't looking so tough this year."

"From district 10, Deverey Field with a score of 8 and Eric Singe with a score of 11! District 10 is a district to look out for!"

Damn it! Eric got a 11 to! Ugh, I should've tried harder.

"From district 11, Georgia Bass with a score of 6 and Matthew Jones with a score of 6. The lovers may not have got a good score but they will protect each other till the very end."

"And finally from district 12, Ashlynn Prince with a score of 9 and Brad Holt with a score of 11! Good job district 12!"

Ugh! How did they get such a high score. I stand up and storm out of the room. I will kill anyone who has a higher score than me. Even Molly, my alliance member.

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