~ Chapter one~

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Third person POV

Flash back

"HAHA Zuku have no fear far the great prince Katsuki will rescue you!"

He was running towards the large oak tree that was off to the side of the field. A huge smile painted on his face. At the top most branches of the tree sat a little body with a fluff of green hair, huge green eyes, cute little freckles and a smile that shone brighter than the golden sun in the sky above him.

"AH. Save me Kacchan."

He woke with a start. Beads of sweat glistening on his forehead making his hair stick to his face. Gasping for air he felt a tear role down his cheek and land on the silk bedsheets. More tears follow suit and land on the bedsheets. Not being able to sleep anymore he swung his legs over to the side on my bed and place my feet on the warm fuzzy rug. Standing up he went over to the large doors that lead to the terrace.

Katsuki POV

I step outside to onto the cold stone terrace and take a deep breath of the warm spring air. I remembered having a dream it was good? I kept telling my self I would remember what happened in it but now I just cannot place a finger on what happened.  I vaguely remember a green field it was probably summer. I was running somewhere. Where? A warm gush of wind blows my blonde hair into my face. I let out a sigh and walk back inside. Judging by the fact the sun was not up either it was early in the morning or the gods and goddesses were punishing our kingdom again. Walking over to the large wardrobe I take out some clothes and swiftly get dressed before walking to the bedroom door. I walk down to the grand throne room where I see my Father and Mother sitting on the red velvet and gold thrones.

"I am going out for an early morning walk" I say with out looking up.
"I think you me an early afternoon walk"
"Katsuki that is no way to speak to your mother"

I flip them off earning a couple gasps from the guards as I walk out of the throne room and down the long corridor.

"Hey! Bakubro!"

I slowly turn around and see my red headed right hand mine smiling at me.

"The fuck you want shitty hair."
"Hey! My hairs not that different compared to yours."
"Who the actual fuck does the High Goddess think she is. This is the third week in a row with no light. Hell the moon hasn't even paid us a visit."
"U-um well you know bakubro the High goddess is like uh kinda the queen of all the gods and goddesses OH and don't forget the angels."

I let out a low groan as I continue to walk.

"Anyways I was thinking we would go hunting with Kamibro"
"Sure" I let out a grunt.
"I'll take that as a yes!"

I walk off as I do I hear him yell "See you soon!" Once I reach the gardens I make my way over to the large hedge maze and walk to the centre. I glance up at the sky. Although it was almost 12:00 o'clock the sky was a pitch black. The moon wasn't even gracing us with her presents and there were no stars. Just a black sky.

Third persons POV

For years the Dawn kingdom was under the hatred of the gods and goddesses. Ever since the former king Katsuki's grandfather declared war on the Hyrda kingdom the High Goddesses lost favour in the kingdom. Punishing them by the harsh ways like no rain, to much rain, to hot or to cold, no sun, moon or stars, flood, forest fires and so much more. The current king was trying his best to make it up the the current High Goddesses but nothing seemed to work.

Katsuki POV

I heard footsteps on the ground coming near me. By the sound on of the steps it was 4 feet 2 people. I quickly grab my sword but lower my guard when I see the two figures.

"Woah! Bro calm down it's only us" the blonde haired boy said.
"Tch Dunce face"
"BRO! That's not manly"
"Tch. Whatever"
"Umm. Aways I brought the hunting gear so. LETS GO"

I look over to dunce face and smile grimly beige we walk out of the maze and towards the forest.

"Oi! Shitty hair, fly us to somewhere with a bit of sun."

Shitty hair transforms into his dragon form and dunce face and I get on his back. Once he starts to fly all my anger slowly disappears into sadness. The whole kingdom was covered in a dark sky. You could see the fires being used to light the path so people could see. I cursed my grandfathers name as we flew above the main village.

We land in the neighbouring land at the far forest as we don't want to get caught where we shouldn't be. We get off shitty hairs back and he transforms back. Grabbing the weapons I say

"Lets go hunting"


Thank you for reading. I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter of My past your future.

I will try to make updates every week one or two chapters hopefully.

Feel free to make suggestions or point out any errors that I may have missed while editing. This is my first every story so it might not be the best.

Credits go to the owners
I OWN THE PLOT (That is it)

A/N signing off for the first time (EK)
See you next week ❤️

980 words

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