~Chapter five~

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Katsuki POV

When we finally get out of the main town we were all sweating. Because our skin was so unaccustomed to the sun we were feared getting burned. But shitty hair turned into a dragon and hide us from the sun using his wings. I take out the map I had brought from the castle. It was supposed to guide us to the pendant but I had my doubts. After all it was like 200,000,000 years old and it was very hard to read. None the less I continue to read the Map trying to make sense of it.

"We need to head dew north towards the mountains."

Everyone nods as we set corse of the mountains. It's about a weeks journey on foot. We could get there faster if we had more than one dragon or shapeshifter. But luck was never on our side so we trudge though the woods sweating gallons a hour.  Plunk. Plunk. Plunk. I hear around me. Great rain.

"We set up camp over there ."
"But it is not a clearing."
"Yes which means the trees will help to hide us from the rain."
"OH. Good idea."

The six of us start to walk to the area I had pointed out and start to setup the camp. Once in was all one we all get into the large tent. It was small but we all had our own little corner.

"We should get a good nights rest we are travelling a long way tomorrow."

Everyone nods before getting under there blankets. Damn I miss my bed the ground is so fucking hard. (😏. Ok I'll stop). I get into the covers before promptly falling asleep.

Flash back

"Look at the water it is soo blue today Kacchan!!"

I smiled as I looked at his cute face.
He's so cute.

"Huh!! Kacchan!!"

I blush a bright red color. Oops I did not mean to say that out loud. I watch as he ran to grab something and I let out a sigh. We could never be together. My parents were fine with me being with a man as long as he had power, influence and money. Deku had none of that. Hell he didn't even have a quirk. Mother would kill him. He came running back to me.

"Hey. Look at this."
"It's a flower." I say
"Not just any flower it a rare flower."

I take a closer look at it.

"What do you know it is."

Izuku where are u? I can't live without you.

Third Person POV

Katsuki gets up and walks out of the tent. Yawning he looks up and sees that the sun is rising. That rarely ever happened in the Dawn kingdom. Although it was happing a bit more after the curse had been put in place according to the letters he received from the staff at the castle. It was possible that the High goddess was pleased that their land was cursed or the High goddess had passed on the duty of the sky. He hopped it was the second one. After all maybe a new god or goddess would be kinder to the land. They had just reached the boarding land last night so they had to be careful as now they were in someone else's kingdom the Earth kingdom. Led by the Yaoyorozu family it had great defences for a land that didn't possess any magic. The two kingdoms were on speaking terms and had a strong trade relationship. He did not fear going though there land as it should not be a problem

Katsuki POV

Because of last night's rain the ground was very muddy and we often sank into the mud. Once we had packed up the tent we were off. Just like that.

"Hey. Bro did you sleep well last night?" Shitty hair askes
"Why do you ask?" I replay
"Well you were moving around a whole lot and talking."
"I see."

DAMN IT! What is happening to me? What I wouldn't give to have my childhood friend with me. Even if it was against his will he would still be with me. If I had to chain him up I would do that. All because I loved him.

It had been around an hour of walking through the first. Every place looks the same. How were we supposed to know if we weren't walking in a larger circle? A cool gust of wind hit my face which was confusing as we were in a dense forest. Then I saw the mountains. They seemed to be reaching the sky. The jade temple was on the highest mountain which was in the center of all the mountains. We step out into the valley. It was dusk and the sun was starting to set. It looked so beautiful, painting the sky like an oil painting.

"Let's set up camp here. We will use different tents today. Jiro, Mina you share a tent. Sero, Kaminari , Kirishima and I will share the other."
"All right, let's set it up then."

We unpack the tents and set up camp. After a long day of walking I think everyone wants to eat and go to sleep. We cook up a small meal before going towards our tents.I rest my head on the ground and fall asleep.

Flash back

"Kacchan! Kacchan! Look at this pretty rock I found!"
"It's interesting."
"Do you not like it?" his eyes filled with tears.
"No! I love it and I will keep it forever!"

Deku smiled.

"Come one stop crying already."

We started to walk down to the valley. Deku picked flowers and started making them into a flower crown. Wild animals came towards him. This was not unusual as they often did. Why I never knew but it was cute seeing him sitting there with animals around him. He worked on  making flower crowns and gave one to me.

"I will treasure this for centuries."
"Silly Kacchan, it will die. After all it's just flowers."
"No deku you're silly I will have it encased in a magical bubble so it lasts for eternity."
"That's so cool Kacchan!"
"Sadly it's not nearly as beautiful as you."

The smaller boy blushed at the complement.

"I'm not that beautiful."
"Yes you are. When we walk in the square everyone talks about how beautiful you are and how over time you will be the fairest. They say things like: The gods must be pleased with their parents. How come he is so pretty Ma."
"Oh stop it Kacchan."
"Too bad I can't put you in a bubble and keep you forever."

I woke up and took out the flower crown. Indeed it was encased in the bubble as beautiful and it was the day I received it. Crafted by the beautiful hands of my first crush.


And that is chapter five. That took me a while but it is all finished now. I am not sure what is happing about updating the story. I will try and update when I can but I cannot promise anything at the moment. It really comes down to how busy I am and how many ideas I have. I do have a plan for this story is just is taking a bit to send it the direction I want it in. For the most part o know what is going to be happening in the next chapter.  The next chapter will be coming out this week some time that I can say for sure. 

My other story is still being worked on I don't forget about it.

That's all for today hope to see you all soon.

A/N signing off 🙃🙃🙃

1283 words

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