⚠️~Chapter three~⚠️

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Trigger warning ⚠️

Katsuki POV

I woke up and saw the faces of my parents. They looked worried? Had I been yelling in my sleep again?

"Katsuki, the kingdom is under attack. "

I sit straight up in bed

"WHAT! Who?"
"It appears to be some magical sorcerers from the east. They match Kirishima's description. Get up it is unsafe here we must protect out people. "

I start running faster and faster to get to the front of the castle. All the torches that were once lit had gone dark so I could not see the streets but I could hear the screams of my people and the cries of the children . Quickly I draw my sword when I hear footsteps walking towards me. A girl I had never seen before turned the corner. She had daggers in her hands and her hair was up in two messy light blonde buns. She had a danger in each of her messy buns.

"Hi ya! Didn't expect to see the Great prince."
"Who are you?"
"Call me Toga! Before you ask, I will kill your parents for what they did to this kingdom. And then I will kill you!"

As she steps into the light I see that blood is dripping down her face. Her blonde hair is stained a dark red and each of her daggers is covered in blood. She has cat-like eyes that have an evil glint in them.

"Why? It was the former king that caused this problem. WE HAVE ONLY TRIED TO HELP!"
"Lies! When you were 7 or 8 things started to get worse. IT'S YOUR FAULT TOO. YOU DO NOT GET TO ACT INNOCENT!"

I back up as she starts running at me head on. She takes her 4 daggers and throws one at me. She cut a deep wound into my arm and I watched as blood started oozing out and trickling down my arm. I start running to the throne room. I looked behind me and she is still chasing me.

"Come back you bastard!"

I burst into the hall way that leads to the throne room. The guards that normally stand in front of the throne room doors had large gashes in their necks. Blood covered the hallway. I see shitty hair and dunce face trying to fight of some of the attacks. Dunce face turns his head and electrified the person coming at him. Just then I see another person running at him with a huge sword. I set off an explosion and kill the attacker.

"Hey! Bakubro! Thank you."

I give him a nod before I join the in them middle of the room and get ready to fight. Toga is standing at the door. She simply takes out her daggers and slits the throat of the guards who come at her. Then she cuts out their hearts. To my horror she takes a bite out of one of their hearts and starts sucking the blood out of the heart. She licks her lips before grabbing one of her daggers and she cuts open the other heart and makes it smaller cuts and then she eats it. Like it's a fucking snack. I take eyes off her and go back to fighting. A movement from the doorway catches my eye. Toga takes out a horn from her belt and blows into it. A loud horn sound fills the whole castle. I was pretty sure everyone in the kingdom could hear it. She keeps blowing into it. Once she is finally down blowing the horn she replaces back into her belt. Then in one swift motion she turns on her heel and walks out of the room. A few silent seconds later I heard other horns responding to hers. Then to our surprise moonlight came in from the window. Then as quick as it came the moon was gone. The attackers all started to disappear. Magic I think to myself.

"Bakugou, we should go see if your parents are alright."

I agree and we walk down the hall to the double doors that lead to the throne room. When the doors opened I froze with shock. The king and queen were standing in the middle of the throne room. Both of them had their swords drawn and were in a fighting position. Both of their bodies are turned to glass. Their shocked and angered faces seemed to be frozen in time. Dunce face ran into a guard and as he knocked it over her reach to grab him before it was too late but missed and we watched in horror as the guard fell to the ground and smashed into millions of little pieces.


That concludes chapter three. I am hoping to have chapter four out soon. Expect it out by 01/06/21. It is very possible that it will come out tomorrow if I work on it tonight!

If you haven't heard, I am working on another story and I released a little teaser on the Story updates. The first chapter will come by 02/06/21. That is a promise so please hold me to that!

If you find any mistakes please tell me and I will try and fix them.


Please do not plagiarise this as I working very hard on it

A/N signing off 🙂

910 words

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