~Chapter 18~

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Katsuki POV

Teleportation? The offer seemed to not sit right with my head. Maybe it's because the whole things is so other worldly or maybe it's because it's s kind offer coming from a group of people who haven't offered me or my people a kinda offer in years.

"What choice do we have?"
"We could always walk."
"Are you stupid we would be long dead before we reached the halfway point."
"Right. So what do you think?"

They we all right. I needed to get this magic back home. Going around would take another week and we didn't have time like that to spare.

"Fine. But if we don't get there you can bet your ass I will fucking kill you."

Uraraka who was drinking something from her water pouch choked at my choice of words before speedy bitch ran over to her and starting  slapping her on the back and doing so weird thing on her stomach. After one awkward minute she spit out the water and starting a coughing fit. (If you took first aid you know what I am talking about. Or you should)

"Okay link hands."

Deku reached his hand out to me to take. Hesitantly I place my larger hand in his hand.
Oh shit I was holding hands with something I hadn't seen in years. This wouldn't have been weird if we were still kids. But ever since we parted I cannot help but think everything feeling awkward. It is like there are unspoken words in the air.

All the sudden I feel the breath ripped out of my throat. My head is spinning forcing me to close my eyes due to the shear pain it was causing to keep them open. I tried to plant my feet to ground my self I find that the earth that was below me seconds ago was gone. I felt like screaming but no sound would come out of my mouth. And as suddenly as it started it stopped and I was laying on the grass looking up at a blue sky. My hand reached up to grasp my head as I moan it pain. Slowly I sit up, at first the world was spinning but as I blink more everything comes in focus. My mortal companions were all either laying on the ground or sitting looking as confused as I felt. The divinity's all seemed fine standing there with an expression of calmness looking completely unfazed. Uraraka was also standing but she looked a bit disoriented like she had just woken up with hangover and she was trying to make sense of last night.  To my right shitty hair was holding his stomach and groaning.

"Please warn us next time."
"It's is something that you get used to the more you do it."
"Haha. I think that is the last time I am going to be teleporting anywhere. Just leave me behind next time." Dunce face said.
"All right. We could always try flying next time." Pepsi Halftime show said with a very sly grin.


I am going to apologize out how long this chapter has taken. I kind of lost my drive to write for a bit. This story is more likely going to be updated on weekends from now on as summer ended for me on August 30th and I have a lot less free time.

I would like to say a thanks to all my followers and my readers. His story now had over 400 reads and I can that is more than I ever thought it would.  To know that people actually enjoy reading my stories is nice.
I would also like to thank the different people who added this story to their reading list.

So basically if you are reading this thanks I have one thing to say to you


In my last chapter I said that my new story imaginary friend was unpublished due to some problems with the chapter but I have fixed that and it is now published again. It now has two chapters published. This story is also likely to be updated on weekends as well for the same reason. I am going to include the little teaser thing I made for the story below ⬇️

Children are given an imaginary friend when they are 3 to help them grow and to guide them. Once they turn 10 their imaginary friend leaves and they move on with their life. At least that's what's supposed to happen.

That's all for now have a great rest of day/afternoon/evening

A/N signing out after a semi long break

Word count 778

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